
Question regarding jeep hardtops? can you store it outside during the summer months? ?

by Guest66277  |  earlier

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I don't have a garage and not much room in my house to store it. Is there a cover you can buy and store it outside during the warmer months?




  1. I wouldn't store it outside even if you had a cover for it. They have a tendency to come up missing at night and those S.O.B.'s ain't cheap to replace as I'm sure you know. You might look into getting one of those small storage sheds like you see in mobile home parks. You could at least lock that up. You can find them at places Like Lowe's for around $500 for the smaller ones. Sometimes you can even find used ones for sale cheaper than that.

  2. I have no garage, my hardtop off my rubicon sits on a small plywood platform up on landscape ties-next to the big propane tank for the house. It's like a retaining wall filled with gravel-hides an old cement foundation or something-was there when we bought the place. This summer though it is sitting on a 95 YJ that I'm trying to rebuild...from the street you think it's bolted on but it isn't. Our 'parking' is actually about 8 feet higher than street level, and the back yard is literally vertical for 50 feet-so no chance of it being stolen. Several of your jeep aftermarket suppliers have an inexpensive electric or manual 'chain hoist' setup just for the hard tops-I'm getting one next year-and I'm building a 4x4 frame that I can drive the jeep under-tarp over it for some shelter but no building permit needed-and I can attach the hoist and haul the top off myself and just leave it hanging up there!

  3. My wife and i have kept both of ours outside for 3 years now ...  They are stored on a car trailer so they won't be sitting in the grass on 2x4's....   The trailer itself is surrounded by briar's and trucks and cars (jeeps) so they can't be stolen....  In the fall when we are ready to put them on again we flip them over and wash them down with a mixture of water and bleach to kill any leftover spiders hanging around ...We let them dry and throw them on ....  Leaving them where thieves can steal them is never a good idea but we have made it almost impossible  ,  even if you could drag them over the briar's you would need to be real fast to get them and yourself past two big dogs ,lol...  it would be easier to buy one and save your legs for running from the police.... If you leave yours outside make it impossible to steal....  Chain it to the house if you have too....   Good Luck....

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