
Question regarding k-1 visa...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, i plan to go mexico next year (before i turn 18) and have my boyfriend of a year and half file me a fiance visa. But the thing is regarding the 'how we met' question....what should i say? Should i tell the truth and say that we met in the states while i was here illegaly or should i say that we met in mexico?? And how can i obtain a police certificate from places i lived since age 16?? Do i get one from the states (i've been living here most of my life after all) or one from mexico?? i'm kinda confused and i don't know what i should tell. What if they denied my visa for being in the states illegaly? Help would be really appreciated.




  1. If you say you met in mexico, they're gonna ask for proof.  Like lease records or something that proves you residency in Mexico at the time you say you met.  They'll also want some kind of proof from him.  Perhaps bank records or bill payment records of some kind.  Something that would prove that he was in Mexico at the time.  Otherwise they're gonna have serious questions for you two about why there is no paper trail.

  2. Do not lie to immigration.  Even if you get away with it, if they ever find out, your green card is gone, citizenship gone and you will find yourself deported.

    Tell them you met in the states while you were illegal.  Since you were a minor, it can't be held against you.

  3. I would tell the truth.  The fact that you are a minor, in addition to the fact that you returned to Mexico on your own, will all help overcome that fact.  I recommend consulting with an immigration attorney, too.  Consultations can cost anywhere from $50 to $350 or more depending on the attorney for 30 minutes to an hour of discussion, but if you have your main questions lined up, you will learn a whole lot from one session, and they can help ensure you are doing what you need to be doing and haven't overlooked anything.

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