
Question regarding latin america? especially people that have lived in mexico or brazil please help!

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I had a few questions regarding latin america ( especially mexico and brazil)

1) what are some of the popular search engines that people use in mexico or brazil ( not yahoo, google or any of that)

2) what are some popular etailers ( like amazon, but in latin america )

3) what are some popular DTO sites ( download to own, kind of like when you buy movies from apple to your ipod)

4) biggest isp providers in latin america

5) Biggest cell phone providers in latin america ( like t mobile or cingular but in latin america )

6) popular websites people often visit




  1. 1) We use all the search engines you use. But there are a few different ones, powered by other companies, such as Yahoo. Check this one out: (cadê means "where is it" and sounds like it is read).

    2) Again, same thing in Brazil. Although ebay is known as "Mercado Livre". We have other websites, such as, and many others I can't recall.

    3) The same thing. iTunes and all other kind of DTO are supported as well in Portuguese, so people can access and download whatever they want.

    4) Biggest ISP are Terra (owned by Telefonica, a Spanish corporation), UOL (Universo On Line), Globo and AJato.

    5) Mobile phones are very popular. The biggest providers are Vivo, TIM and Claro. There are a few smaller companies.

    6) I don't understand this question, really. Do you want to know what type of websites or what websites? Like everywhere else, the most visited websites are p**n. Followed by IT-related websites, gossip, (it is like your facebook or myspaces).

    Check them out:

    for brazilian p**n, try the words b****a, cu, sexo, trepada on search engine. (our ebay)

  2. I am from Mexico.

    1.- Sorry but most of us use google and yahoo. But there is a search engine called altavista used by a bunch of students.

    2.- "Mercado Libre"  ( ) is the biggest Retaler Web Page in Spanish Speaking America (All latin america except Brazil since they speak portuguese...I yhink they have their Portuguese version or something like that). It is used by persons and companies to buy or sale a wide range of items. (I think it was created in Mexico or Argentina but recently associated with E bay).

    3.- I would say and I tunes are the most popular DTO sites down here. Bearshare and Kazaa are very popular also.

    4.- Biggest ISP providers in Lat Am: Terra Brazil and Terra Mexico / America Online Latinamerica and Telmex

    5.- Biggest Cell Phone provider in Lat Am:  Telcel (America Movil / owned by Mexican Tycoon Carlos Slim ). In some Lat Am countries Telcel Shares the Market with Telefonica Movistar (Spaniard Cell Phone Provider).

    6.- Social Websites: 1.- Facebook, 2.- My Space (Most of us dont use Hi5 anymore because the first two options are more user friendly, faster / have more applications / extras and certainly it seems that they have a strenghter IT platform than Hi5.

    E mail sites: I would say hotmail and yahoo.

    Videos: You Tube

    Certainly all of us mexicans are very different from each other and tend to visit a wide range of web pages in accordance to our interests, work, hobbies, etc etc but WE ALL check OUR E MAIL (hotmail / yahoo) and our FACEBOOK Account DAILY (as well as our university web page).


  3. I am from Brazil:

    1) sorry but everyone here use google and a few use yahoo. Both of them have a local version (in Portuguese)

    2) In Brazil we have, but what we do is to use that find the best price of any product (to compare price between all etailers)

    3) we do not have sites like that. A few uses USA apple site to buy movies or musics to our ipod.

    4) UOL and TERRA (in most all states but some states have other providers)

    5) TIM, VIVO and CLARO

    6) the newspapers - and - both are websites from newspapers from São Paulo city but they are well know in whole country. UOL is a site from a newspaper called Folha de São Paulo but they also are a ISP provider and they have the most popular chat site. Other popular website is ORKUT.


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