
Question regarding loose head props. Should you stand with left foot forward like a lunge or square on?

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Question regarding loose head props. Should you stand with left foot forward like a lunge or square on?




  1. In what situation?

  2. if u are a lose head prop IN RUGBY UNION the it is better to stand with left leg forward in which case u will have more weight and in the end more force packing in the scrum though it could cause injury so beware!

  3. As a referee, one of the things you would look for that a prop was driving illegally, was how their feet were lined up. You may find it easier to drive lining up side on, but be aware that you need to keep your shoulders straight and your back parallel to your hooker

  4. come in behind your hooker, plant your inside foot near the hookers left foot, your inside foot should be slightly in front of your right foot, maintain your weight on inside foot. feet should be slightly more than shoulder width apart.

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