
Question regarding pregnancy?

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I am 14 weeks pregnant, and so far everything has been ok except this morning my hands started like shaking kind of like when you have low blood pressure or something, It whent away after i ate something. Has any one had this problem and is it dangerous to me and the baby?




  1. Yes.  Sounds like your blood sugar may have been low.  When I was pregnant, the second I felt hungry I also got very shaky.  Keep a small snack (granola bar or something small) so you can eat it right away when you start to feel that way.

  2. yes and no.  This is a sign you need to eat and rest if you can, sit down.  Try to eat small amounts all through the day.  This will help to prevent this from happening.  if it continues anyway, have your doc check your iron.

  3. Your sugar was probably low. I did this same thing when I was pregnant and I knew I had to eat something quick. I still do it sometimes.  

  4. Blood sugar was too low.  Have complex carbs, like whole grain bread, along with something with protein to keep your blood sugar regulated.

  5. Sounds like your blood sugar dropped, make sure you have some protein in the mornings.  

  6. Blood sugar, make sure you have some protein close by all the time. Eat some eggs in the morning or a few slices of deli turkey every few hours, it'll help.

  7. sounds like your blood sugar got a little low or that you are just feeling a little faint. Both are normal during pregnancy. No disrespect meant to the person that said eat proteins but they won't help you raise your blood sugar, Carbohydrates (breads, cereal, juice, candy etc)  will raise your blood sugar when they are low. Protein is def. something you need though.  My husband has diabetes and struggles with his blood sugars and sees a dietician. If it keeps happening it could be a sign that you could have gestational diabetes and it could be dangerous to you and the baby. You need to speak to your Dr. about it. Give them a call and see what they say. They will probly have you come in for some bloodwork. Good Luck!!!

  8. high blood is dangerous for the baby while i say more to you i think because that's the main thing the doctors watch for as you know cause that's why they take you pressure every visit and test your pee for protein. But i think you didn't have that i think you were just weak from not eating it's hard to explain cause it has to do with your blood pressure but i think it's in a different way like diabetes I had this but were worst cause i had dizzy spells and feel like i had to faint when i didn't eat when i was preggo. i still get weak if i don't eat in time. But tell your doctor it could be diabetes too some women get it during pregnancy or the baby could just be on a nerve. But don't worry I'm sure it's nothing bad just you needing to eat remember you have a life in side of you that's taking your energy so you need all the naturistyou can get so eat.

  9. I know that that could also be signs of gestational diabetes. I have had this 3 times. It starts with your sugar bottoming out but then progresses to being high. They will run a glucose on you at around 18 weeks. It could be a problem for you later in pregnancy but not at this time. Try keeping a steady diet all during the day so this won't happen. I have always had to take insulin during pregnancy and thats right about the time mine started everytime between 15 and 19 weeks. They try to control it with diet but sometimes thats not enough.

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