
Question regarding progesterone level and blood test for progesterone?

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Does it make a big difference if progesterone test was done on DPO 9 rather than DPO 7? (I had it done today on CD 21 and realized that it could be DPO 9 for me since I may have ovulated 2 days earlier than expected. Fertility friend miscalculated my ovulation day)

Also, is it normal to feel tender b*****s beginning on DPO 8? I recall feeling tender b*****s around DPO 8-10 in previous cycles, but did not achieve pregnancy. Do women experience tender b*****s because the progesterone level starts to decline after DPO 7?




  1. It really doesn't matter what day the test is done as long as it is after ovulation. It is only to confirm that you ovulated.

    Tender b*****s are common after ovulation due to progesterone levels.

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