
Question regarding the homeless?

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In what city and state does a homeless man receive the best care and have the best chance of survival? I am asking this because It seems like there is no help for a man as if they are discarded from society like waste. It's sad actually. Is there any organization doing anything to help these people? Perhaps asking them if they want to receive any kind of vocational traning to be productive citizens




  1. You don't live in a city do you?

    "Most" of the long term homeless have mental problems, or drugs.

    Its sad, and difficult

  2. The Salvation Army offers help to the homeless in many cities throughout the USA.

  3. While i think the third poster probably says the best that could be said...another interesting account in literary form is

    Stuart: A Life Backwards by Alexander Masters.

    its a rare account of someone who seems to have gone through everything as a part of the homeless of london. Id certainly recommend it.

  4. This question touches close to home for me (no pun intended).  I have been homeless.  For me, it started out as fun.  I followed the Grateful Dead around, I found lots of "houseless" people to hang out with, I panhandled, I hitchhiked and hopped trains, and I was free.  But, it got hard.  I was miserable.  It was just me most of the time.  I was dirty and unhappy, two traits that people don't really like.  And, I'd been to a few of those shelters, and places that were there to help guys like me get into society.  They were hard for me to deal with.  I was afraid of the crowds, and I was afraid to commit to what it took to get a job in one of those places.  You actually have to live in them, sleep on mats in stuffy rooms that smell like mold and urine, take cold showers, worry about people steeling your gear which you might need if you have to go, and you can't just leave in the middle of the night if you don't like it.  Some of them wouldn't even let you keep your gear.  Uh outside: freedom, inside: trap.  I'll take freedom.  The system could definitely use a little revamping.

    And how did I get out of that situation?  I thought about all my angles, and I even tried a few.  Staying with family didn't really work.  They didn't have enough room or they wanted me to get jobs that didn't appeal.  I know the saying "beggars can't be choosers," but when being homeless means freedom from the misery I saw the "rat race" living through, I knew I could be a chooser.  I worked a couple odd jobs, but they were short term, nothing else.  I could have tried for longer term, but I could stay in one place that long.  Wandering became my drug of choice by then.  I could escape to another place.  What finally got me was, like I said, the loneliness.   I had to do something, and I needed something drastic, something that would be a challenge and not let me go, otherwise I was afraid I would wander until I was one of the old miserable wretches that walk aimlessly with no cause and no joy (they're out there).  I needed a stepping stone to help me learn a trade and to motivate me out of my depression.  I joined the marine corps.   And, well, they didn't teach me a useful trade, but they did get me out of my depression enough to start a life where I could learn a trade and become a consumer again.  

    What I found out through it all is that everybody needs to feel loved.  Once people feel loved, then they can change their lives.  But, not everyone will choose love.

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