
Question regarding vinyl siding?

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How easy is it to paint vinyl siding? Does it require special paint and primer or just the regular outdoor stuff?





  1. No it is not easy to paint. Most vinyl siding has a sort of a slick surface and usually it is grained or slightly grooved with slick grooves to make it look more like house wood from a distance. Also it is flexible which is terrible for holding paint. I recommend replacing the siding before you paint it. Take it from me, painted vinyl siding looks awful. If it were aluminum siding it can be painted relatively easily.

  2. its vinyl, the paint won't stay on . it moves its not pourous it would be like painting the tires on your car.

    even if you sanded the suface prined with a good sealer and painted it .

      MOst people just wash it

  3. Painting it sort of defeats the whole purpose for getting vinyl siding to begin with.

  4. Really easy with the right paint / equipment.  The hardest part, just like interior the countless hours spent taping off things that you don't want painted.

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