
Question regarding window A/C?

by  |  earlier

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can someone tell me what is going on when the a/c seems to be working ok, still seems to blow out pretty cool air, but the only thing is a smoke like substance is also coming out of the vents, although it is not smoke.....




  1. This is humidity in the air as it mixes with cold dry air coming from a/c it makes fog like not smoke like,you will notice as a/c dehumidifies room air you wont see this

  2. its water vapor

    is the bottom draining out the window?? it should

  3. Its water vapor.Is it draining properly out the back.If so then don't worry about it it will clear up once the air dries out

  4. This is just just the humidity in the air being vaporized.  Same thing happens when you open the freezer door.  After the air has cooled and the humidity lowered it will go away.

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