
Question? should i change my name?

by  |  earlier

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my name is nora but i was thinking of changing it to elizabeth




  1. i like the name nora its very unique haven't heard of the name much i think you should keep it.

    the meaning of the name nora is "light, beauty, woman with honor", it is also an independent name!

  2. what the h**l for? Nora isn't common in my opinion so it's worth keeping. Im sure you look like a Nora anyway

  3. yes

  4. depends if the name Nora means anything special in your family, like if one of you family relatives who had died had that name, if so, i would say leave your name the way it is, but if not, I would say sure.

  5. if you dnt like your name then change it, i wouldnt like the name nora. lol

  6. Sure why not

  7. no bc ur mom gave u that name for a reson and i think that u shood keep it. its dif. and evrybody i no (just abouts) name is elizabeth

  8.     well ... the question is do u really hate that name i mean i think nora is a preety name and your parents gave it to u  elizebeth is a nice name too . do u hate your name ? if you do change it if not dont

  9. i don't know.  

  10. who cares, do wat u want.

  11. are you serious??? you should really think about it before you decide, coz if you do it, and don't like what you've done, you will get pretty annoyed!!! THINK BEFORE YOU DO!!!!!

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