I have a question about mirza ghulam much of what he claimed contradicted what was said in the qur'an. He claimed that Jesus survived the crucifiction and then later on died a natural death, however the Qur'an states that Isa (as) was taken up to allah (swt).
Also he claimed to be the spirit of Isa (as) and also be imam mahdi, when islam considers imam mahdi and Isa (as) as two distinct figures and Isa (as) will descend at the end of time as well as imam mahdi.
So please can you clarify how ahmadiyaas can claim that Mirza Ghulam is Isa (as) and Imam mahdi?
Also the signs that precede the coming of the mahdi haven't appeared...so how can mirza ghulam be imam mahdi and also the spirit of Isa (As).
Its just that since there's been a lot of questions regarding the ahmadiyaa muslims, i have a few questions regarding the faith which need to be clarified.
Assalamu alaikum wb