
Question to Americans: WHY are you AFFRAID OF FREEDOM?

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The Bush administration has committed many impeachable offenses, crimes against humanity.

The average american can barely mutter, "I don't like him." and punch a button on a computer screen owned by a Republican corporation.

That's "RESISTANCE" in America. Then when even that act of "resistance" is stolen by Diebold, the Americans do the same,

send out lots of complaining emails to each other, or just don't give a ****.

It's said the opposite of love is not hate, but apathy. There's an extreme level of anti-love, apathy in the US.

At least 90% of the country is clueless that their Prez is about to start a nuclear war.

Tell people this & they don't give a ****. They're psychologically incapable of understanding reality.

These politicians & bankers ought to be hung on the national mall. They've put the future of humanity in jeopardy.

Who cares? What's my favorite celebrity up to?

Maybe Americans deserve what they get.




  1. First off---obviously someone out there (including myself) is being heard----everywhere you look, we are being told how BADLY the President's approval rating is TANKING....  Every day the news media reports that the president's approval rating is going down..... 28%,  27%,   etc.    I don't know what you people in other countries sit and believe about us AMERICANS,  but we are not the stupid little fools you all make us out to be.    JUST BECAUSE OUR PRESIDENT IS.   We are not APATHETIC,  we DO care... and I for one am d**n sick and tired of people from other countries going all over the place bashing the ENTIRE COUNTRY when it's only a few  IDIOTS in Washington with the POWER (president and vice president and some of our legislatures)who are ruining our country.   Bush may be a terrible president, but I can ASSURE you he does NOT want a nuclear war any more then any one else in the world.   He's not that stupid to not realize that THAT would end the world as we know it.... HOWEVER,  people like Osama BIn Laden and Sadam Hussain and any other radical extremeist DID NOT and may not feel the same way.   A good percentage of the American people do NOT want our country in Iraq or Iran or any other place ---do you REALLY think we enjoy seeing OUR young men and women being KILLED?  h**l NO.   But,  all you countries have VERY VERY SHORT MEMORIES..... you don't remember that it was the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA who stopped WW2 and it was the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA who put an end to WW1  and it was the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA who has helped every other country in the ENTIRE WORLD whenever a natural disaster has struck....... where were any of YOU PEOPLE when the World Trade Center went down?  Where were you when the US almost totally LOST New Orleans in Hurricane Katrina?   and WHERE was all the foreign aid when we suffered a severe earthquake in Northridge California---IT WAS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND!!!!!!   If every country in this world PAID BACK all the money they owed to the USA for the help we've given them,  the AID, the military support, for rebuilding their countries, etc etc ......  every single person IN America would be EXTREMELY RICH right now...  but you all sit there and bash America as much as you can---isn't it NICE to know that WE in AMERICA feel FREE ENOUGH and UNTHREATENED enough by your RANTING that we ALLOW YOU TO EVEN SAY IT?????

  2. Rock on, my friend.

  3. First off, you're nuts.

    President Bush has saved the Middle East from imploding upon itself by taking out Saddam Hussein.

    You probably think the Holocaust was made-up.

    If the US took an isolationist role, we'd survive and the rest of the world would suffer.

    If the US is so bad, why does everyone else want to come here and partake of the freedom we so gallantly defend?

    I put our system up against any other.  We win hands-down.

  4. You are full of what makes the grass  grow green. Bush has done nothing impeachable and you know nothing about our country or history to make such stupid comments. Peace

  5. The only Americans that are not free, are those who's only sustenance is from the government, IE, those who rely on Social Security, and welfare.

    As for impeachable offenses, what are they? The rabid socialists, oops I mean Democrats would have already started the proceedings if there were actually anything he could be impeached on.

    You are right about the apathy however, but the reason for that apathy is the government itself. Politicians, and the most powerful unions in the country (teachers unions) have worked hand in hand to dumb down the future of our country. If there is an informed public, then both of these groups have to give back some of the power they hold. Teachers unions are a bigger threat to the future of our country than Islamic fundamentalism.

    If there is a nuclear war, it will not be started by us, unless you think that Iran's failure to abide by numerous resolutions our fault. Of course the U.N. by and large is made up by petty little countries, run by petty little dictators, so because of their jealousy of the U.S.'s prosperity, they will do nothing to stop Iran. So, in our own best interests, we may well have to take action. This will not be a case of the U.S. starting a nuclear war, it will be common sense self defense.......a right that goes beyond the U.N.

  6. I think I hear the wind blowing.  Oh I'm sorry, it was just you spewing your hatred.  I'm also sorry you can't get your panties out of a wad.  I know if I couldn't get mine out of a wad, I'd be in a pissy mood all the time also.

  7. We're not.  We do have a tendency to take our freedom for granted, though.

  8. Great minds think alike.  I guess you and me are the 1% of people that can see past the BS n**i propaganda.  History repeats it self, except this time the n***s are Americans, and we have nuclear weapons.  Just pray that I can get out of this country (to Thailand, A.S.A.P.) before the nukes get fired off.  My ancestors came to America so I could have a better life, now it is my turn and I'm going somewhere that can survive without oil or paper money so my decendants can HAVE A LIFE!  And yes, Americans are going to get what they deserve when our money crashes.  You think we are pissed about paying 3$ a gallon for gas?  You will be paying over 20$ when the currency crashes.  The only thing that will still work in American is our guns.  Let the rest of the world sit back and watch Americans start eating each other because we don't have the natural resorces to feed ourselves if we don't have oil for our tractors.

  9. thank you for you rant.

    Just tell all your friends and family not to come seeking a "better life" in this country.

  10. The look your getting is the involuntary facial expression accompanied by their realization that such irrational hatred and paranoia cannot be reasoned with.  Not even the die-hard Bush haters wish to recognize you among their numbers because they fear you will become a poster child for the lack of rationalization in the rhetoric.

  11. We are not afraid of our Freedom- and we are not afraid of you.  We fight for our Freedom, and to any American in this Country would say my friend, is Our Freedom is Priceless and well earned.  We are who we are,  and we are the Red, White and Blue.




    (since you probably don't understand that, that's you following the herd of ignorant people who know nothing about this country yet insult all of it inhabitants with out any education in politics or American Studies. You have probably never even been here and yet you speak as though you have a clue. Please stay out of our fine country, people like you don't deserve to come here and seek "a better life" as MILLIONS do each and every year from all of the world, because this is the only place they can make their dreams come true.)

  13. If you really think President Bush is about to start a nuclear war, then obviously you are far more gullible and clueless than the so called 90% of US citizens.  While many people in this country take there freedoms for granted, and there are quite a few who do not like what our government is doing, we must be doing something right because as a country we are still the one where people want to immigrate to.

  14. Your an Idiot.....plain and simple.

  15. to be impeached one has to commit a crime, Bush has not.  American enjoy freedom like no other country, that is how you are able to spout your hatred unscathed.  can you criticize your own government without fear?  the average American has the highest education and wage per capital than most any other nation.   you observation of apathy is clearly mistaken if you read any of the posts here and the passion that both sides have for their views.

    you seem to think that Americans are the only ones who wage war, what is the history of you country.  i bet there is violence there and perhaps now since you failed to mention where you are from so that we may know how yours handles political issues and how much freedom you have.

    economics rule the world.  bankers and politicians run things and here, we elect the politicians.  do you elect your leaders, if so, how many parties or people do you have to choose from?

    most of all, what is it your business to tell Americans what is wrong with us and our country.  take care of your own and we will take care of ours.  so belly up to the bar and let's compare and see who what where and when regarding your country.

  16. Americans are not afraid of freedom, they are just mistaken about what freedom is. the same way the Russians were for over 60 years, their new's media kept telling them how much better their life was than that in the western world, they used gangster movies to depict how America lived in such fear and was robbing one another killing one another etc, so the people thought they had it much better than the western world, propaganda is a very powerful weapon, some one said long ago, quote, "'the pen is mightier than the sword"  smart man, as it is proven 100 % correct,our Zionist owned new';s media has brain washed America to death our people don't even know how much our standard of living has declined in the past several years, or how much our nation has suffered due to these parasites stealing our nations wealth, and they are so stupid they won't even take a little time to research and know what is happening.

  17. we're not all like that...but what's the point of holding signs and protesting if the only people who give a **** are holding signs and protesting

  18. Most people are not interested in anything that they should be, they just do not want to be bothered.

  19. Freedom is less profitable for our guys.

  20. Impeachable offenses are offenses against the Constitution of the U.S. and not against humanity.  I guess I am part of the 90% clueless since I have no idea who we are getting ready to go into a nuclear war with; Iran and North Korea have nukes but no delivery system to make it to the U.S. outside of suicide bombers I would guess.  Reality is that letting countries like North Korea and Iran develop nuclear weapons was a huge error in judgment not just by the U.S. but by Russia and China also; neither country can really cripple the U.S. or another major power but they can be completely destroyed in retaliation if they did use them against the major powers.  Nuclear weapons to them are a means to be terrorist on an international basis and nothing else; it does not make them safer from conventional attack unless they threaten a nearby country (Japan and Israel) for someone else's actions.  America deserves much more the it gets-the U.S. provides more food and money to international aid them any other country not just total cash but as a percentage of the wealth of the country-next time a typhoon, earthquake or tidal wave destroys another country or if it happens to you turn down all American aid or assistance both public and private then go ask the North Koreans, Iranians, and all for assistance and see what you get.

  21. Dude, I think your tin-foil hat is to tight. It appears to be cutting off the circulation to your brain.

    Newsflash: Real Americans are nothing like those Hollywood bimbos that you seem to be basing your opinions on.

    I have no idea what the heck you are trying to imply with your rant about "republican" corporations and Diebold.

    As for not giving a ****, you are sadly mistaken.

    As for the specter of nuclear war, do you really think that our administration has any intention of wiping out humanity. After all, what would be left for them to lead. Such an act would clearly not be in their best interest.

    That being said, we do have tactical nukes for use in a defensive capacity. Should a rogue country like Iraq or N. Korea decide to do something stupid like sending their own nuke against an American target, we definitely reserve the right to use them.

    Your right, we do deserve what we get:

    One of the highest standards of living in the world

    Unprecedented freedoms

    A representative democratic form of government


  22. Your thoughts will always be in the minority when we live in a society that has been brainwashed. For the mass population to understand what is happening all around them it has to be said in a less hostile way. I know you have good intentions but we have been conditioned to be this way - united we stand divided we fall. These politicians etc., you speak of serve a more sinister master.Although this affects us, this is bigger than you can imagine. Just know, no matter what there intentions are they will never fulfill their real goal. God will prevail.

  23. First of all, you stated that in a way that will leave you vulnerable to dismissal as a left-wing loony.  But no big deal, I hear your comments.  The problem as I see it is this.

    As if it weren't already so discouraging to think that we could somehow make a difference as only one amongst 300,000,000 in this country, we have the following influences outweighing our own perceived impact on society:

    -Media that twists information in different directions.

    -Media that sensationalizes hot-button issues, resulting in an ideological split that keeps us turned against one another over comparatively irrelevant issues (i.e. abortion, terrorism, g*y rights, stem-cell research).

    -Media that engages us with fear-inducing tactics.

    -Corporations whose financial influence on government outweighs perhaps all other factors.

    -A failing educational system

    We are all being purposely misinformed, confused and distracted.  The problem is NOT a psychological incapability of caring.  It's an inevitable result that we throw our arms in the air and just GIVE UP because of a drastic underavailability of RELIABLE, OBJECTIVE INFORMATION.

  24. freedom...americans invented the word...its not freedom

    we are afraid of...its people like you who love to start

    arguements...visit america for a long while and compare

    our freedom to what you have land is perfect..but

    america is still the freest country in the world...some times

    i think we have to much freedom..we are the best..dispite

    our egoes and excentricities...just because a lousy prez

    fouls things up doesnt mean all of us are the same...


  25. i always heard an opinion is like an a&&..everybody has one..yours is pretty stupid but thats ok are allowed to express your opinions because we are americans and we have our freedom think your words make you sound informed and smart but you come across as a idiot..i am not saying bush is perfect but not all of us are as perfect as you think you are..key words here''think you are'' simply have diarrhea of the mouth and need to shut up

  26. Your mistake is assuming it's only Republicans.  The bankers control both parties.

  27. First, this seems more of a rant than a question.

    Second, if President Bush had actually committed an impeachable offense, the Democratic Congress would have impeached him already.  Nancy Pelosi has said that she would do so.  But she hasn't because there aren't grounds for impeachment.

    Third, the Republican party does not own any corporations, and Hillary Clinton, Democratic Senator and Presidential candidate, was on the Board of Walmart, one of the largest corporations in America, so what is your point exactly about corporations?  That they are inherently evil?  Well, they are not in my opinion.  They produce jobs and money for our country and its citizens.  They provide needed goods and services.

    I could not care less about the latest celebrity hi-jinx, and have a degree in American Government.  I agree that the level of apathy is revolting, but we are not going to have a nuclear war, and Bush is not the anti-Christ.   The next President will likely be quite similar regardless of which party they belong to.

    Our media is largely to blame for the dumbing down of our society, but we are to blame if you know the name of Paris Hilton's dog but not your kid's teachers.  Get a clue.  But don't just sit and complain or come up with conspiracy theories.  Get active.  Find a candidate and campaign for them!  VOTE!  DO something!  Participate.  Keep our government "of the people, by the people and for the people."

  28. What impeachable offenses? Name can't.

    There are no "Republican Corporations" you moron.

    "Prez is about to start a nuclear war"....What the h**l are you talking about?

    I'll tell you what. You stay in your third world S**t hole of a country and stay there...don't come here, we don't want you!

    But the next time the wheels fall off in corner of the world, don't look here cause we won't be here....we'll be IN your corner of the world trying to dig your @ss out, and you'll slap us with one hand and take our handouts with the other.

    You make me sick.

  29. The facts do not support your comments.  Last November, we heard all the conspiracy theories about Diebold.

    The GOP got their butts kicked.  The same is going to happen 14 months from now.  If someone tries to load the dice--we will deal with it--if and when.

    In the meantime--no, most Americans are not afraid.  The American CONSTITUTIONAL system works--and before we step outside it, we need much better reason than you offer.

    It is those who whine about conspiracies who are afraid.  AMERICANS dont hunt for things to be afraid of-we just deal with problems when they arise.  In the meantime, there are real issues to be concerned with.

  30. Your an Idiot, Liberals hate freedom more than Conservatives. Hillary and Obama will work to control speech and thought as much as they can.

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