
Question to all Mexicans, Mexican last names?

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I've noticed that most mexicans with the typical mexican last names.. You know Hernandez, Lopez, Garcia, lol pretty much every name that ends in a "Z" e.t.c tend to be Mestizos (they have European features...but a dominant native American (aztec) features. I'm assuming that Hernandez and the other "typical" mexican surnames belonged to prominent conquistodors and other people who intermarried with the natives... but I've met Mexicans with blonde hair, green eyes, blue eyes, ...with features that are completely european... NOw these Mexicans typically DONT have the stereotypical "hispanic" names.. Alot of these "white" mexicans have surnames like Inguziano, Calderón, Bustamante, Farías, Miramón, e.t.c... so i'm assuming that these Spaniards didn't really mix with the natives so much....that is why their surnames are rare

I'm I right?




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  3. Im chicano and my name is Demitri Jose Nieto- Munson

    I have brown eyes and tan skin but i am also

    portuguese african spanish native american welsh dutch swedish german norwegian scottish irish french italian and belgam

  4. I have 3 hispanic last name in my family

    Garcia and Jimenez and Ramirez

  5. ajaja. i'm mexican with dirty blonde hair, turqoise eyes and tan skin. my dad is of mexico city, aztec descent and mother of sonora mexico. i got my features from my mom but all my siblings we all look different. my last name is Quintanillez-Zelaya.

  6. i'm i spelling this right ceasese

  7. what nationalty is lomeli

  8. my last name is Rodriguez very common

  9. It doesnt matter what the last name is because most mexicans have spanish surnames no matter if there indian ,spanish , or of other european descent. Like the europeans that changed their last names to english names to sound more american they did that in mexico too.what is more important is the region they come from. nothern mexicans are usually whiter looking because there was more spanish then meztizos or indians.But now a days u probably see more indians in nothern mexico because they migrated looking for work cause the southern states of mexico are real poor.The more indian looking mexicans usually come from the south of mexico city from the southern states of mexico

  10. x

  11. Is Jacinto a Mexican last name? I have dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and my skin is brown, but now brown brown, like black or anything.

  12. You Idiot!

  13. I'm Mexican with green eyes, light skin and red hair and my surname is "white" lol. However, many could have mixed with the natives; remember genetics plays a big role and so does carrying the "white" surname throughout marriages.

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