
Question to all parents who had children when they were teens?

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I'm not here to judge. I don't know any teenage parents, therefore I can't ask them.

When you had your child, did you go to college?

-If not, where are you now? Do you regret having the child? When did(or did) you finally get a degree?

-If yes, then how did you juggle your education and homelife? Who did you get to watch the child? Do you regret your decision? How succesful are you now?

I know I ask alot of questions, but I'm really curious about how having a child as a teen affects how succesful you are career wise.






  1. hi, i'm 19 now and my daughter is 1, i had left college to work full-time before i got pregnant, i fell pregnant when i was 17 and to answer your question honestly i do regret becoming a mum so young i was told by everyone how much it would affect my life but didn't realize just how much! i love my daughter dearly and wouldn't give her up for the world but i do wish that i waited at least ten years. it's the little things that affect me most like taking half hour just to get out the house, i'm wouldn't say im not successful now because i am in a way i'm a great mum and love watching her grown and learn but then i am lucky to have a very supportive partner that works 70 hours a week providing more than enough finnacial support so i don't have to work.

    hope thats a good answer for you  

  2. I had my first at age 15..i finished high school..i went to barber college and graduated...i worked 40 hours a week at a resturaunt for years  she is 17 now and a senior in high school with plans to go to college to be a nurse..yes it affects your life..i feel i would of made better career decisions if i wouldnt of had her but i dont regret it by far..she made me who i am today but i ALWAYS say...dont have a baby in your teen years...enjoy our life and then have babys

  3. i was 26 and a college senior when i got pregnant and i have NO CLUE how girls can get pregnant so young. i don't want to sound judgemental because i was young once and i could have easily got caught up, but people always make me sound like a killjoy when i try to tell teens to wait to have children. i would definitely have had my degree by now if i hadn't had my son, but i'm still trucking through and hopefully i will FINALLY finish school soon. i'm so thankful that i had so many years to travel and see the world and hang out with my friends. my friends that had kids at 18 didn't get that luxury. i hate that i can't just go out and blow money on cd's and dvd's and clothes for myself because now i have diapers and clothes to buy for my son. i hope that a lot of young girls that want to become pregnant read some of the answers i've read here. i love my son with all of my heart, but if i'd have had him at 18 i know i wouldn't have been mature enough to handle things the way i did. thanks for the GREAT question.

    *edit* what was the thumbs down for? i didn't say anything bad about anyone or their choices i just agree with everyone else that said that waiting to have a child is the best way to go.

  4. well, if you're a teen and you are considering a baby, don't do it. many teen mothers go on to lead wonderful, sucessful lives, but they do it with the odds stacked against them. I had a baby before I finished college and it's really really difficult. I managed, but barely. And no, I wouldn't trade my daughter for anything but it was a constant stuggle and I am 24 years old.  

  5. I got pregnant at 18 in my freshmen year of college. I lost the pregnancy (not a miscarriage) the summer after my 1st year.  I had married the father, and went to school for my sophomore year, but I did really bad at school that year.  I got pregnant that summer and had our first baby at 20.  I went to work, and stopped going to college.  He had a good job, but my job didn't really pay that way and it was just office work.  We divorced when I was 22.  I had a hard time on my own and for a while moved in with my parents and my 2 yr. old.  I eventually found a great place to work for and made decent money.  My daughter went to a home daycare.  When I was 25, I remarried someone I knew for 12 years (then).  I had a child with my current husband at 29.  I now stay home with the kids, as we have moved around alot for his work.  I have yet to go back to school to get a degree, but I am painfully aware that I should make sure I get it done.  I still consider myself successful and have been thru alot.  It's just not the career success that I'm talking about.

  6. at 16 no degree did not finish high school and i'm still unable to but i work every day in a plant iwas a cook at rest and a housekeeper at the local hosp i love mychildern and never give them up for nothing or no one we grew up together it was fun learning all that i learn being a mother  and would do it again

  7. I had  my daughter at 15 and had no money and no support. Therefore I had to drop out of highschool. I am in the process of getting my GED right as we speak and when I pass the math part I will begin taking online college courses. I am 20 now which makes my daughter five and I DO NOT regret having her. Without her I wouldve been worse off because having her forced me to grow up and take resposibility for my actions. I am a happily married mom of 2 now on her way to getting the education she always wanted so i do loko at myself as being successful. I might not have the career I want yet but I have my goals. I am going to juggle my education and my homelife by taking most of my courses at home in my own time..That way I can still be the mommy I need to be to my babies..By the time I am ready to actually start my "career" outside the home both my children will be in school full time! I hope this answered some of your questions--but every situation is different!

  8. I had my oldest son when I was 16 he is now 6yrs old,I also have a 6day old newborn son

    When you had your child did you go to college

    no i didnt and now I am a single stay at home father to 2 wonderful boys although I do work part time during which my mother looks after the boys for me

    Do you regret having the child

    No not for a second,my children are my life and the reason i get out of bed in the morning,without them I am not sure where I would be,but I must say its not easy and sometimes I wish I had of waited until I was older and more financial

    Did you get a degree

    No I didnt but I plan to once my youngest is atleast 2

    How succesful are you now?

    I am not that succesful now but my children are still young and dependent on me,when they are older and I feel more at ease about putting the youngest in daycare then i will go to college or get a better paying job

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