
Question to all who voted for Bush?

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In the interests of pure nonpartisan information I wonder, How do the people who voted for Bush feel about their decision 8 years later? Do you believe he has been a great president or at least a decent one? Do you believe if he was able to run again that you would choose him? Do you think he embodies the core ideals of the republican party? And lastly do you think he has changed?

As i said this is non partisan so please keep all the partisan nonsense out of the room. If you choose to comment please do so respectively.




  1. You dam right I would vote for him again, I would vote for him if he was Democrat, Republican or Independent, no one knows what he has endured except him, no one can sit here and say they understand the most difficult choices one man could ever face, Don't you think he knows how much people seem to hate him, but he makes those tough choices anyway regardless of what people say about him, because hes doing what he feels is best for the country not what you think is best. He did exactally what we elected him to do make tough choices and I challenge any person who would disrespect the President of the United States regardless of opinion he is the President and that deserves all of your respect you dont have to like him but you dam well better respect the man for making descions that would make you pee your self from fear.  

  2. I voted for Bush I don't think things are as bad as the media portrays. I don't see our economy being bad. I am not sure where I stand about our troops being in Iraq but overall I think given the state of America during his term he has done very well.

    I would not choose him over John McCain, in fact I wanted McCain to run for president in 2004.

    I think Bush does hold fast to the core values of the rep conservative party I don't think he has changed .

    I don't enjoy his speeches but I have no complaints about how he is running this country however McCain has actual served this country and that means more than words ever could.

  3. I think he was the lesser of 2 evils


  5. I voted for him.  Given the choice of Gore or Kerry, I'd do it again.

    He's not the best ever, he did a fair job.  He gets blamed for more than his share of problems.

    In his defense.  He has kept us safe.  He has taken the fight to terrorists.  He has lowered taxes.  He has improved education.  He has been active where he can.

    Clinton gets praise for an economy that was on auto pilot, and took no blame for letting Islamic Radicals to grow into a threat.  Clinton weakened our military, and it bit Bush in the butt.

    Gore and Kerry would have weakened us on defense and taxed us into bigger economic woes.

    History will tell the tale.  Lincoln had a lower approval rating than Bush does.

  6. I am ashamed of my votes in 2004 for Bush  It was a terrible mistake.

    I believe Bush is the worst president in the history of this country. He does embody the the principles of the core Republican party and I see the same people who voted for bush now voting for Palin. They prefer the next door neighbor type for president even if your next door neighbor is a dumb as a rock.

  7. Uh, I stand by my dicizion uh, cuz uh,  

  8. Yes. I think Bush has done a decent job as president. Great? No, but acceptable.

  9. I voted for him the first the time the second time rolled around I was a convicted felon and couldn't vote anymore....but I still would have voted for him then...and If I could vote this time it would be for McCain

  10. I voted for both of them.  Has he done a great  Unfortunately he had some work to clean up things from the previous administration.  I listened to a political strategist a few years back discussing the Iraq situation.  He described it as the best choice of a number of bad options that needed to happen.  Many of the issues that haunt, are not necessarily Bush's fault, (banking and subprime crisis, Katrina-with Louisiana politics and misapropriated local govt spending being the problems) but they happened on his watch.

    Looking back I guess the question is Would I have voted for Gore?

    No, I thought he was soft and a groomed politician.  His movie is like a Michael Moore film.  Some fact really blown out of proportion.  I think he would have been worse, except Hollywood would have liked him.

  11. No, I would not vote for him again! I don't think I can vote Republican again. THE REPUBLICANS HAVE PROTECTED BIN LADEN FOR ALMOST 7 YEARS NOW! This Administration has has started an Evil  Endless war that our children's children will still be paying for long after "us voters" are dead. We are certainly not safer. I would love to take my vote back.  

  12. I wasn't old enough to vote for him the first time, but I was the second time.  Given the choice of him or Kerry, or even him or Gore for that matter, I still would have voted for Bush.  The other two would have raised taxes more and weakened our military, not to mention they would have been even worse on illegal immigration than Bush has been (that's my biggest problem with him).

    He's been an ok pres - not great, but ok.  He embodies some of the ideals of the Republican party, although it's not possible to get everything done you want to when you have to work with Congress.  As for him changing, I'm not really sure...

  13. Most corrupt administration in modern history.  "They" are the reason we have term limits.

    I voted for him the first time because I thought he was the lesser of two evils.  I voted for him the second time because I thought he should have the opportunity to fix the mess he created in Iraq.  IMHO, he came close.

    I don't care for either of our choices this time either.  

  14. I feel good about both times I voted for Bush given the choices it wasn't a very hard decision to make I think he has done not a great job but he has done a good job with what he has had to work with allot has happen since he took office that I don't think any one would want to have to deal with but he is not without fault the same as all of his piers as for voting in this election again given the other choices I would have to say yes I would if not for any other reason because I know he prays for God to guide him daily. Yes I think he has changed given what he has had to deal with in 8 years I don't know how he couldn't have been changed in some way even though he can't make all of the decisions him self without support of the house and senate. no I don't believe any one person embodies all of their parties core ideals I think that would make them nothing more than a puppet but I do believe he shares allot of the core ideals I believe each person has to rely on there on true core values not just the ideals of others to make the hard decisions with other peoples lives even Dr.King said I have a dream not they have a dream for me many great men have had to stand alone in there core values when others didn't agree with them but that didn't make them the one in the wrong just the only one willing to take ownership of their decision to do what is right not what is popular at the time that is what makes this country so great I just hope the next president who ever it is does what is best for the lives of the people of this country and goes and prays to God for guidence because I feel we are going to need it no matter who wins our country is in trouble and we are not popular with the world right now but we do need to do what is right not what is popular and I feel it is going to take a person with allot of heart to carry us through to better days may God Bless us all

  15. McCain/Palin 2008

  16. I feel good about both times I voted for him and would do it again.  He's a bit too liberal, but we needed that to work with the cry babies on the left.  

  17. Hindsight is 20/20 my friend.  I think a lot of people may change there votes based upon his popularity right now.  Lets not forget that Lincoln was very unpopular during his time in office and that history cannot be viewed as a snapshot.  lets wait and see how some of Bush's choices pan out in the years to come.  

    I for one would not change my vote because you cant say that Kerry or Gore would have fared any better if they got the job.  

    President Bush is a human just like anyone else.  he does good and bad.  Also lets not forget that he is just one man, and that the country is run by many individuals.  

  18. I'm not sure that he accomplished all that he promised he would, but I still feel better knowing that he was elected instead of a do-nothing like Gore or a complete imbecile like Kerry.

  19. LOL, I don't think Bush turned out the way they expected.

  20. Uh I was like 5 years old when that election happened, don't blame me.

    But I probably woulda voted for him four years ago.

    I'd look back now and think that it was a StoOpid thing to do.

  21. I voted for him twice and now to answer your questions.  I think he has been a decent president, not great but also not the worst in history as some say.  If he were to run again I would not vote for him, not because of anything personal, I just think that after 8 years of any President it is time for a change.  As far as the core ideas I think he is only fair on that front, specifically on spending I think he has failed there.  As for the last question I think he has held true to his own beliefs quite well whether you agree with him or not.

  22. Do I think he was a great president?  Probably not.  Do I think he was a decent one?  Yes.  He made decisions that were wildly unpopular because they were the decisions that he truly felt were right and in the best interest of our nation, and I have to respect that.  And I also am able to recognize, unlike most people on the left, that the president's power is not as broad as they would like the public to believe.  We have a balance of powers in this country, and a lot of things people are bitching about were done by a liberal-leaning supreme court and a democratically-controlled house and senate.  This is not a dictatorship and you can't blame one man for everything that's wrong with our nation.

    If he were to run again would I vote for him?  That really depends on who he was running against.  If he had been part of the primary, I probably would still vote for Huckabee like I did this time.  (I now support McCain/Palin.) But if it was Bush vs. Obama, I would absolutely vote for Bush again.  

    Do I think he embodies the core ideals of the Republican party?  For the most part.  There are some exceptions, but there are also a couple issues I don't agree with my party on.  You're never going to agree with anyone 100%...unless you don't know how to think for yourself.  (*cough* Obama *cough*)

    Do I think he has changed?  Of course.  How can you be the leader of the free world for eight years and not change and grow in some way.  He's made mistakes and learned from them like anyone else would have.

    WOULD I HAVE VOTED FOR HIM THEN IF I KNEW WHAT I KNOW NOW?  ABSOLUTELY.  All I have to do is remember that the alternatives were Al Gore or John Kerry.  In light of that, I feel very comfortable with the fact that I voted for him twice and glad I didn't have to see the destruction a Gore or Kerry administration would have brought to our country.

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