
Question to anti-shia posters?

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If shias are non-Muslim why are the allowed and have they always been allowed to go on Hajj by Muslim governemnts includding the Saudi Wahaabis?

Im Sunni BTW but your takfir of Shias is not what Sunni Islam teaches




  1. Ahmadi Muslims may be considered kafir by Ijma.

    But Alhumdolillah we've been accepted by Allah swt.

    love for all, hatred for none

  2. Shias are not non-Muslim. They may still be considered Muslim, but some of their practices are far from Islamic.

  3. well anyone can go there many deviant sects not Only shias

    Sufis and khwarjis and others even the undercover Muslims

    you are Muslims sunni  mauhahahaha !

    give me a break

    they are Deviant sects and not Muslims like most of deviant sects

    all our Ulama declared this

    and the great ones !

    if you consider them Muslims then wow islam is cool

    islam has a insulting and cursing the prophet wives and friened sin it's beliefs

    Islam has a good rule called pray to ALi not Allah !

    etc etc

    you know if i was governor of Makkah i won't let them in or any other deviant sect

    you know when then fo to Madinah they spit on the Abu Baker(Ra) and Omar(Ra)

    and you know what they did in 86  ?? when khomeini sent them

    ok Prince of Persia show up no need to cover your self !

    EDIT:  LOL  NOW Shia are Muslims and Qydians are KAFIRS  ????? isn't that a Joke ?

    if Qadyians are kafirs then shias are more Kafirs

    and the truth the both are not Muslims  Bilijma

    wait i will copy Abul Haarith post about shias...

  4. yes shia are muslims.

  5. Well, some are taught to hate. Like the terrorists? They can't help it.

  6. They don't believe shia are muslim, they only think there are themselves perfect muslims. Wallahi its so sad, we're all muslim, despite the small differences.

  7. You are no one to judge who is Muslim or not. If a person says they are Muslim, then take their word for it and let them practice Islam and you worry about yourself.

  8. They could not answer your question, neither have they brought a reliable source for their hate (the anti-shias)

    @Shiaism is not islam.......what are you talking about you have no idea right???? I am not that person....

    I am a shia not a sunni, and I love my brother and sister sunnis but I am not a sunni myself......

    P.s. Wahabis are not sunnis they are a deviant sect

  9. Because we do not make Takfeer Mu'ayyan of the Rawaafidh Shee'ah.

    Imaam as-Sam'aanee said in his Al-Insaab 6/341,

    واجتمعت الأمة على تكفير الإمامية لأنهم يعتقدون تضليل الصحابة وينكرون إجماعهم وينسبونهم إلى ما لا يليق بهم

    ((And the Ummah has consensus on the takfeer of the Imaamiyyah (raafidah), because they believe that the Sahaabah deviated and they denounce their consensus and ascribe to them that which is not affirmed of them))

    Imaam al-Bukhaaree said in his Khalq Af'aal al-'Ibaad 125,

    ما أبالي صليت خلف الجهمي والرافضي ، أم صليت خلف اليهود والنصارى ولا يسلم عليهم ولا يعادون ولا يناكحون ولا يشهدون ولا تؤكل ذبائحهم

    ((I do not give any consideration to prayer behind the Jahmee and the Raafidhee, nor praying behind a Jew or Christian. They are not to be greeted, nor are they to be visited, nor are they to be married, nor is their testimony accepted, nor are their sacrificed meat to be eaten.))

    Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah reported in his as-Saarim al-Maslool on page 570 that Ahmad bin Yoonus said:

    لو أن يهودياً ذبح شاة ، وذبح رافضي لأكلت ذبيحة اليهودي ، ولم آكل ذبيحة الرافضي لأنه مرتد عن الإسلام

    ((If a Jew were to sacrifice a sheep and a Raafidhee was to sacrifice one, I would eat the sacrifice of the Jew, and I will not eat the sacrifice of the Raafidhee because they are apostates from Islaam))

    Al-Bukhaaree reported in his Khalq Af'aal al-'Ibaad (125) from ibn Mahdee that he said,

    هما ملتان الجهمية والرافضية

    ((They are two separate religions, the Jahmiyyah and the Raafidhiyyah))

    Imaam al-Laalikaa’ee reported in his Usool al-I’tiqaad Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah:

    سمعت عبد الرحمن بن مهدي وسألته عن الصلاة خلف اصحاب الأهواء قال نعم لا يصلي خلف هؤلاء الصنفين الجهمية والروافض فإن الجهمية كفار بكتاب الله

    ((I heard from ‘Abdur-Rahmaan bin Mahdee and asked him about the Salaah behind the people of desire and he said: “Yes, do not pray behind those two group, the Jahmiyyah and the Rawaafidh, for the Jahmiyyah are disbelievers in the Book of Allaah))

  10. s**+'a are Muslims, but they are very badly misguided from the right path!!

  11. So..... ijma is defenitely right about the Amhadiyya? No question about it?

    Maybe you should think for yourself. I did! Since when can mere humans decide over who is a Muslim or not? Does not matter if it is a group who comes to that decision or one person. That prerogative lies with only one: and that is Allah Almighty.

    The Quran teaches us that there is no compulsion in religion.... THAT is Allah's word!

    Our beloved prophet  (PBUH)said if you call some one a kafir and you are wrong, Allah will consider YOU the kafir.

    Maybe some words you should ponder over..... i did. I decided i'm not going to risk my eternal life by calling some one a kafir who calls himself a Muslim. He might be a Muslim in Allah's eyes.

    So, they are my brothers and sisters in Islam, like Shia's Quran Only's, Sunni's, Ishmaeli's and all other sects; all who call themselves Muslim.

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