
Question to anyone who had a baby already

by  |  earlier

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Okay so this is my first time on here so bare with me. . .

I had my last period on the 10th of July. . . I remember my OBGYN saying 14 days prior I should ovulate. . Me and my husband are trying for # 1 so we had s*x alot in july in hopes of conceiving. . .

On July 30th I had some pink discharge when i wiped it was like the mucus that comes out when ovulating but pink. . thought it was my period but it only lasted a few hours. . . Period was due on the 5th but it was a no show. . . Im now just about a week late. . been gettin nauseos in the morning and throwing up along with that. . my belly feels weird to. . I have been constipated for the last couple of days last HPT was taken when period was a day late and it was a Negative but that was 6 days ago havent retested I see my OBGYN tomorrow anyway cause im never late. . .

My question is as followed. . . starting yesterday i started having cramps like my period is going to start but not as bad, today i noticed alot of discharge that is clear and strechy could this be a sign that i am pregnant even though the HPT said negative. . .




  1. there is hope, you may have tested too early. im wishing you all the baby dust you can get.

  2. There is no one on here who knows if you are prego or not.  Why do you chicks continue to ask a question that there is no way in h**l anyone half way across the world would know the answer to?  

    I am going to go with a big fat NO, seeing as I have a 50/50 chance at being correct.

  3. if you are throwing up and nauseous u might be..i also had cramping in the beginning of my pregnancy.good luck and baby dust!

  4. Pay no mind to the first answer you got. . . Just a girl she doesnt want us to tell her that she is or isnt she just wants to know if there is still hope even though her test came back Neg. . .

    First off you have a Dr appointment tomorrow so she what your Dr says. .  secondly I heard those test dont always work for veryone. . . . Wishing you Baby Dust. . .  

  5. your pregnancey test may have been to early so its best you do it again. are your b*****s starting to tingle and do you feel a urge to go to the toilet alot? these are good sighns your pregnant.

  6. Very possible wait until you actually missed your AF to test...

  7. Just a girl:  Why do you always answer the same thing?  What's your deal?  Next time you ask a question that we think is dumb then you'll get that answer from us and we'll be mean about it too.

    High Hopes:  HPTs aren't always accurate.  I think tomorrow after your doctor's visit you'll get your answer.  I'm not good with patience either but it's less than 24 hours away.  Baby dust your way and please keep posting.  Unlike Just a Girl we are quite nice on this site.  

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