
Question to ask a babysitter and what to pay?

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I ahve a 6 year old and i am looking for after-school babysitters. I have posted an ad at the local college and have had a lot of people respond. I have never needed daycare because I was a stay at home mom. So i don't know what to ask to make sure they know what they are doing. I also don't know what the going rate is for after school care is 315 to 6pm. I live in fayette MO




  1. make sure they dont give pot to your kid, beat it, or have s*x in your house,.

  2. When considering a babysitter you need to think of the following questions: have they had any experience? , why do they want to babysit? (is it just for money?) and would they treat your kid fairly and not bribe him to make him be quiet?

    When saying how much you should pay them, well you should ask your kid on how they were and did they like them. If they say yes then give them about $13-$20 dollars. It is much cheaper than going to after school care, trust me.

  3. What you should do is ask for references first. You don't know if this is an immature kids going to watch your baby or if it is a mature adult who has had to deal with younger siblings in the past and knows what to do. Ask them questions etc..

    See what they are asking first, but I would not pay more than 20$. 3 hours of babysitting is not a lot and 6 years old is not too big of a handful.

    In the future if your child says they were happy and the babysitter seems like a good one, you can increase or decrease the pay as you want. an extra 5$ here and there doesn't hurt.

    There are many websites dedicated to finding you babysitters in your area that are legit, you can also look around in papers. There are a lot of mature high school kids that have babysat since 5th and 6th grade that will gladly babysit for 3 hours for 10-15$. Getting paid to watch a 6 year old is a lot better than being forced to watch your little brother, trust me.

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