Why do you spend so much time on this forum (not that I mind and not that I want you to leave) bashing Christians and their beliefs? Let me explain where I am coming from with this question. First if you dont believe, then why not just leave it at that? Ok so maybe some Christians witness to others in ways that seem like they are trying to shove it down your throat, but if that is the case why not be the more mature one and just go on and let it go in one ear and out the other. Dont get me wrong, I know first hand how annoying it gets when someone insist on shoving something in your face that you dont care about. But it seems to me like you come here wanting to get it shoved in your face, otherwise you wouldnt spend so much time on this forum. Secondly I would like to ask, do two wrongs make a right? If someone is shoving their beliefs down your throat, how are you making matters any better by doing the exact same thing to Christians? What I am getting at is this, if you hate being preached to all the time, then why even bother coming on a religion forum? If you are here to simply bash and ridicule Christians then you are only making them that much more right about what they say about you. As I said previously I dont mind you being here at all, because I know that as long as you are here, like it or not you are going to read the word of God from at least some of the people on here. I just simply want to know what compells you to waste so much of your time on this topic forum?