
Question to atheist ?

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i'm doing a school research about atheist would you please answer this questions.

1. what is an atheist?

2. where did it come from?(country and year)

3. who invented atheist church?

4. what u believe in?

5.where does the word atheist come from?

6.who is the most influential atheist in the world?

7.what country has the most atheist?(if the US what state) u have to pay to be a member of the atheist church and how much?

9. is it true that u worship britney spears?(just curious)




  1. Are you fcuking kidding me!? LMAO!

    Listen, the only common thread between Atheists is the total disbelief in supernatural deities and their afterlifes. Other than that, they're individuals, not adhering to any dogmas and such.

  2. 1. An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in any godds.

    2. Atheism has been around since at least the time of Socrates and has probably popped up in every culture.  Even the Bible talks of the 'fool that says in his heart there is no god,' so atheism wasn't unknown in that time and place.

    3. There isn't one.  Atheists don't have meetings.

    4. That there are no gods running our lives.

    5. Greek, "a" meaning no, and "theos" meaning god

    6. Who knows?   We're not into following leaders.

    7. Probably China.

    8. See #3, there is no atheist church

    9. I'm not a 15 year old boy.

  3. 1 its just a person that doesn't believe in a god or gods.

    2 It has always been there and its not an organized religion like Islam or Buddhism or even Christianity

    3 It is just a personal choice. Again its not a organized religion.

    4 Atheists can believe what ever they want just not in god because that the only requirement to be one.

    5 theist is a root meaning one who believe in god and the a is a prefix for opposite

    6 that is a personal choice but i like Richard Dawkins

    7 Sweden has the most atheists

    8 its not a ORGANIZED RELIGION!

    9 Is this a joke?

  4. 1. Someone who does not believe in gods.

    2. The beginning of time, everywhere. Longer than any religion.

    3. There isn't one because atheism is not a religion.

    4. Lots of things, just not gods.

    5. I don't know, look it up.

    6. Don't know.

    7. I believe it is Sweden, or Iceland. Somewhere like that.

    8. There is no atheist church so no.

    9. No.

  5. 1) Someone who disbelieves in deities.

    2) The first people every to live were atheists.

    3) There is no atheist church.

    4) About what?

    5) Ancient Greek:

    "a" means not or without, "the" or "theos" means god, "ist" means about a person.

    6) Influencing what? No influence is needed for atheism as it's alack of belief.

    7) I don't know but definitely not US.

    8) There is no atheist church.

    9) No.

  6. A church is by definition a congregation or place where people gather together.  So the atheist church could be society or R&S... anywhere really.

  7. 1 An Atheist doesn't believe in God

    2 Scientific Research (Not sure)

    3 There is no Atheist church?

    4 Atheist

    5 No clue just sounds cool

    6 All of us

    7 Its dependent

    8 Umm no Atheist church...

    9 Ew I hate Britney.

  8. Yes! I am goddess of atheists! I can't see why they're seriously answering you though. They must be more bored than you were.


  9. I think you just made that up. You're not doing a reserach paper, are you?  

  10. You can tell this is a troll, just by looking at question 9.

    And school doesn't start until next week, darling.

  11. 1. A theist is one who believes in the existence of god.

    2. BC

    3. humans

    4. not u (as in anti)

    5. Germany

    6. the one u believed

    7. total population or % of total?

    8. no.

    9. I think Britney is cute, but I do not worship her.

  12. It seems to me that you are misinformed about atheist, first of all atheism isn't a religion so there is no church, every atheist believes in something different and there are many famous Atheist. The word atheist means without god greek roots, as for the britney spears thing I do not know what you're thinking about. so....

    1. An atheist is someone who does not believe in god.

    2. Atheism has been around for as long as people have been around

    3 There is no such thing as an Atheist church

    5. Atheist believe many different things

    6. Without god

    7. Very hard question but I bet its an European country

    8. There is no Atheist church, so its free and it doesn't exist the places they might congreate is at a Free Thinkers meeting if you want more research in this area look up the Church of Free Thought, but even this is misleading because there is only a small portion of Atheist who would attend.

    9. IDK WTF you are talking about on this one.

  13. 1. An atheist is one who has no beliefs in any god/s.

    2. Atheism existed before god-beliefs.  Babies, when they are born are atheist, before being indoctrinated into a religion.

    3.  There is no atheist church.

    4. Atheists are free to believe in anything except for one thing....god/s.

    5.  A = without (latin), Theism = belief in god/s (latin).  Together, A+theism = without belief in god/s.

    6. There are no atheists that are influential because they are atheists.  However, many influential people are atheists.  Check out the referenced video for a sampling.

    7. I would say Sweden has the largest percentage of atheists.

    8.  There is no atheist church.  All you have to do to become an atheist is to stop believing in god/s.

    9. No, it is not required to worship Britney Spears.

  14. 1. An atheist is someone who does not believe in the existence of a god or god(s).

    2. You can't trace the lack of belief to a specific country or year.

    3. There is no "atheist church" and thus it was not invented.

    4. Atheists believe in lots of different things. The only thing that makes one an atheist is a lack of belief in a deity.

    5. It comes from the roots "a-" meaning "not" and "theos" meaning "God".

    6. I have no idea who the most influential atheist in the world is, although I'm sure it's someone like Bertrand Russell.

    7. I have no idea what country has the most atheists, but there are too many Bible-bangers for it to be the US.

    8. There is no atheist church.

    9. You seem to be obsessed with Ms. Spears judging from your question history.

  15. Atheist: Someone who doesn't believe in any gods, or high powers.

    2. Its been around as long as religion, even longer.

    3. There is no atheist church.

    4: We believe that there are no gods.

    5: It comes from the word "theist" and "a"

    6: Probably Richard Dawkins

    7: Probably some Northwestern European Country

    8: No, there is no atheist church.

    9: Only most of us worship Brit-brit.

    6 Part 2: Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking are up there to.

    There is no place where we "get together"

    We just are here. We aren't organized, and if we get organized, its either to lobby congress, or to make a point, sarcastically.

  16. I think you might not know what you're talking about. You should try learning this stuff on your own, first, then maybe asking better questions on here. And, please, don't turn anything like these questions into your teacher. You will most definitely get a bad grade.

  17. *drinks heavily*

    Alrighty then:

    1. A person who believes in no gods or supernatural beings

    2. Unknown as atheism has evolved over periods of time.

    3. There is no atheist church. That would go against atheism.

    4. Pastafarianism

    5. All over the world.

    6. See list in sources.

    7. Sweden with a possible 85%

    8. *facepalm*

    9. Back to your cave, troll.

  18. I started to answer this question seriously. Then I saw #9.

    p**s off, you little smart @$$.  

  19. 1) A person who does not believe in the existence of (a) god(s).

    2) It has always existed - from the dawn of human consciousness if you want to get technical. It is the default position on the subject.

    3) You did.

    4) I believe in love, decency, human intelligence and the possibility there is hope for everybody.

    5) it's from greek, from the word "theos" which means ''god' and the prefix "a-" which means 'none' or 'without'. You can interpret it to mean someone has no god, or no religion (no theism).

    6) George Bush. Most people, however, do not realize this.

    7) A Scandinavian state. I think it's Sweden. Not sure, however.

    8) There is no church and therefore no entry fee.

    9) No, we do not worship Britney Spears. But we think there is a cult of Reformed Ishtarians who believe she is the reincarnation of Ashtera.  

  20. 1.  An atheist is a person who lacks belief in gods.

    2.  This question makes no sense, and your teacher should be ridiculed for it.  Atheism has existed as long as man has existed.

    3.  There is no atheist church.

    4.  The single defining characteristic of atheism is a lack of belief in gods.

    5.  a = without theo = god.  

    6.  I have no idea.

    7.  Per capita?  Probably Sweden.  It really depends how you define certain Eastern philosophies.

    8.  There is no atheist church.

    9.  I wish I had read this question first.

  21. There is no such thing as an atheist church.  It mean 'do not believe in a God', therefore, no need for a church.

    They don't get together because they are capable of independent thought.

  22. 1 One that does not believe in a god or gods.

    2. Atheism has been around as long as religion if not earlier.  The earliest atheistic writings date back to 300 BCE in Greece, however the default human position is to not have a belief in anything until told to do so by their parents.

    3. Atheism is not a religion and does not have a church.

    4. If there isn't evidence to support it I don't believe it.

    6. I don't know and don't really care.

    7. Unsure but many European countries are becoming predominately atheist.

    8. There is no atheist church (granted there are some atheist organizations and one or two call themselves a Church, but these are not churches in the classical definition).  

    9. No,  I don't worship anything.  

  23. Atheist church???


    If you want to be taken seriously then PLEASE dont use text speak for starters. ;)

  24. 1. half the people on R&S

    2. it's like herpes or aids, no one knows


    4. i believe in what i think

    8. yes, you have to pay your eternal soul

    9. yes, yearly sacrafices are common in Kansas and Utah

  25. 1.  Someone really horrible who doesn't believe in god and eats babbys

    2.  God made them

    3.  Whut?  

    4.  I believe you're whacked and can't spell for c**p

    5.  It came by Fed Ex, all the way from China

    6.  Right now, probably Bill Gates

    7.  Definetely not the US

    8.  WTF?

    9.  WTF x 2?

  26. I have a hard time believing a teacher would actually ask these kinds of questions.  Some of the answers can be found easily in any dictionary, like 1 and 5.  Some can be researched on the web, like 6.  The rest are idiotic and wouldn't follow if you knew the definition of the word atheist.

    And we don't feel the need to get together to support our atheism, unlike proponents of religions.  Our knowledge is sufficient and doesn't need validating by getting together in a group.

  27. Don't play!

    Worshiping Britney is like cuttting your d**k off.

    There is no reason to and you will a whole lot better if you don't.

  28. This is something you should be researching yourself :)

    hahaha worshipping britney spears, perhaps some atheists do, like that crazy chris crocker guy.

  29. These questions are ridiculous.

    There is no "athiest church." thats an oxymoron considering that atheists don't believe in a church. And no we do not worship Britney Spears. The whole point of Atheism is NOT to worship anyone or anything.

    Atheism is simple. No such thing God, just reality.

  30. 1. A person who does not believe in gods.

    2. The concept has always existed, for as long as there have been people there have been people who did not believe in gods.  

    3. There is none.

    4. Not gods.  That's about it.  Of course individual atheists have other beliefs, but the absence of belief in gods is the only thing common to all atheists.

    5. It comes from Ancient Greek, and took on something close to its current meaning around the 5th century BCE.

    6. I really couldn't say.

    7. Possibly China, although it's hard to get accurate statistics from them of course.  If you mean which country has the highest percentage of atheists (rather than the largest population of atheists) then probably Sweden.

    8. There isn't one.

    9. Nope.  Well not all of us anyway.
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