
Question to citizens of western countries like USA,Australia ,Europe?

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I live in India. Here, there is a feeling among the people that Indian culture is the best in the world. Culture in the sense like our way of raising kids, faithful marriages, attitude, character of the pople,decent dressing etc..I have seen here people boasting that western countries culture is the worst. They have money and power but no disciplined culture.

What do you feel about our culture?

Which country do you live in? Also my questio is, have you heard or read in your country media anytime which praised Indian culture or is just Indians keep boasting about themselves.




  1. I think it's wonderful the citizens of India have such a high regard for their culture.

    I'm from the US, and I have seen the western media praise Indian culture.  Specifically, the educational system, the movie industry, the music and dance, and the general welcoming, polite, and generous attitude of the people.  And no one can argue that the fashion isn't lovely.  In fact, It's often imitated here.

    I've not been to India, but I have Indian Internet friends, know some people of Indian descent, and from what I've seen and read about India, I've only ever heard one thing about the culture I'd consider negative.  (I've heard that there is sometimes racism between northern and southern Indians.)  Overall, I hold the Indian culture in high regard myself, and think India has made great strides since regaining its independence, and continues to do so.

    I think the western culture could take a few cues from Asian culture in the way of the emphasis on family; the emphasis on manners, personal responsibility, and honor; and the balance between socialism and capitalism.  But I do not think western culture is the "worst."  After all, there are still cultures where domestic violence is acceptable; where women are legally murdered for adultery (but not men); and where females are sexually mutilated against their will, without any sterilization or anesthetic, and usually as children.

  2. I live in Canada and we think our culture is the best.

    I hear Americans saying the same thing - that Canada's culture is the best.  Just kidding.

    I think everybody feels that their own country's culture is the best.

    They're all just different takes on how to live, suitably adjusted for temperature, history and belief.

    Whatever turns your crank.

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