
Question to mma fighters or full contact martial art fighters that wear contacts?

by  |  earlier

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well ive been waiting to start mma for about 3 weeks and now im finally gonna go to my first class in a hour but i was wondering if i should take out my contacts before i go? i cant see very well at all without them unless its in a 2 foot radius of me and its still really blurry is there any chance my contacts will come out? and do they come out alot or what?

all info would be appreciated




  1. You should be OK with them in. I did tear one once while rolling but never before or since have I had a problem. I can't see at all without them so I really have no choice but to keep them in.

  2. ask your instructor or at least make him aware of your impairment without them, last thing you want is scratching your eyes with them.....

    im not sure of that but talk to him juss to be on the safe side

  3. Lots of fighters wear their contact lenses during training and during fights. I haven't seen a great deal of harm come from it over the years. I have seen quite a few of them lose their contacts during contact sparring or fights or even just rolling in Jiu Jitsu.

    I would definitely let the instructor know that you wear them and what you can and can't see with out them. If this is your first class then you shouldn't be doing too much that will put you in danger of losing them right off the bat. It is definitely best that your trainers and training partners know though.

    I personally don't wear contacts, but I have known several fighters who did. Most of the ones I have known have told me that the contacts they actually get from their eye doctors come out much less ofter than the cheapy contact lenses that you can order online or over the phone. No real first hand knowledge of that, but that's the word I've received from those who should know.

    Good Luck!!!

  4. I train in Jujitsu, Muay Thai, and MMA and always wear my contacts when fighting.  I've been training for several years, and only twice have my contacts come out.  Once was while training, so it wasn't a big deal to stop and put it back in.  Once was in a fight, so I had to go without it for the round.  My trainer keeps an extra pair with so that in case I lose one I can pop one in between rounds.  There are several guys in my gym who wear them, and they haven't had many problems.  Make sure they aren't dry, dry contacts come out much easier.  I keep lubricating drops at the gym and put a couple of drops in right before training.  Also keep solution and an extra pair in your locker or bag and bring a pair with during competition!  If you can't see well without them it's more dangerous to take them out, in my opinion.  Hope that helps...good luck!

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