Can one of your members be excommunicated for visiting a non mormon church? I ask this because I have invited a mormon co-worker and his wife to visit my church. I have another question also. Mormons are not supposed to drink anything with caffeine right? This same guy drinks caffeine loaded energy drinks, tea and coffee all the time. He tells me all the time how strong his belief is in the mormon faith. So if his faith is as strong as he says it is then wouldn't or shouldn't it be effortless to give up such a silly thing as caffeine? I don't even believe that the consumption of caffeine is wrong at all but I know that if my Bible said it was wrong I would have absolutely no problem at all giving up something as silly as this. Can he be excommunicated for drinking caffeine also? Because I have read some testimonies of ex-lds and some of them said they were excommunicated or threatened with excommunication for drinking cokes, can this really happen? Please don't report this question just because I have ben unfairly labeled a mormon bashing bigot, it is in no way offensive I am simply curious