
Question to other pro-animals rights people?

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I often hear animal rights people talk about doing the same thing to the people who abuse the animals they do to the animals. I find this hypocritical, but then again I've said it just to show how angry I am about the neglect of animals in our society.

Do you really MEAN it? I wouldn't like to see, say, execution for animal abuse, after all most of us started out as meat eaters, and supported their horrible tactics by buying meat, so saying this is basically saying all people should die for what they do to animals.

With that said, I do think animal abusers should get prison time. If you abuse your dog, you go to jail.




  1. im vegan.

    i would love to kill anyone who abuses an animal.

    i'd like to kill them in a way that they hurt the animal.

    just my opinion

  2. I think that you are getting extreme in your thoughts.  I do not think that animal abusers should automatically get prison time.

  3. Although I am a non violent activist I totally understand how extremists feel this way, so under no circumstances will I condemn their behaviour. Unless you have seen this abuse first hand you can only imagine the distress these animals go through.

    Many animal activists view animal abuse to be the same as child abuse. How many of you out there would like to see harm come to paedophiles, child abusers and child murderers ..... quite a few I imagine. I find this quite hypocritical.

    I have heard enough people say "you can't compare a child to a animal" so to those people I have this reply; don't force your opinions on other people because you do not have the right to tell anyone how to feel. It's absolutely none of your business.

  4. I totally agree with you.. If I could, I would have all those animal abusers shipped off to a deserted island and left in an ugly cell altogether (where they can't actually experience the beauty of the island). That sounds mean (and a bit stupid to lol), but I feel so strongly about animal rights that I would seriously just want all those people to be punished and never have access to animals again!!.. With that being said, I do eat meat though. But I feel that meat from cows, pigs and those kinds of animals are meant to be eaten. Maybe thats wrong and I shouldn't eat meat but it's not such an easy thing to give up.

  5. they should go to jail. i deal with abused horses and it is disgusting what they do, but the horses just need love.

    and tlc.  

  6. Humans are animals, too. We all have rights.

    While killing an animal tester or a farmer may actually relieve more suffering than it causes, it's still not right if there are alternatives to this. If the situation was 1 life for 1000 lives with no alternative, the answer may be simple, but nothing is simple. It's still killing a living being.

    Also, I don't think extreme direct action is a good method. It makes animal rightists look like violent nut jobs - it perpetuates moronic  stereotypes that only apply to a small minority. Sadly, these are the only people the media seem to pay attention to - most of us are happy to talk to people about veganism, animal rights, and the horrible things that go on for meat, eggs and milk and do some leafletting, fund raising, petitions etc.

    P.S. Animal rights is about the rights of all animals, not just fluffy cute ones, domesticated ones, rare ones, ones you like etc. etc. We all have a right to live because we all value our own lives, this is what animal rights is about, NOT about the values given to animals by others, e.g. cheap labour, food, clothing, profit, entertainment (including dog and cat shows etc.) All animals have rights, not just cats and dogs.

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