
Question to the parents of the bridal couple?

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How did you relax or celebrate after the wedding was over with? Or how are you planning to relax after wards? Any special plans?




  1. My parents have married off 4 daughters and after each wedding --well, maybe not right after-- they went away for a weekend and just relaxed and counted their blessings.

  2. Great question!  I'm sure my little sister's in-laws would need some heavy-duty relaxation after their mammoth efforts.  (My little sis got married last Saturday! :-)  Her Dad-in-law did all the cooking for the 100 or so guests, and the Mum did all the mad dashing around, organising chairs, etc.

    What they are doing is: my sis and her new hubby are going to a motel at the beach for 3 days, and then the whole family (my sis, her hubby, his folks and his sister) are going on a skiing holiday in the snow together!

    I hope they all have a brilliant time.  I hope you/your friends/family do too! Peace ♥

  3. Personally, My Parents Are Still Struggling To Get Back On Track From My Sisters Wedding Which Was Early April.

    The Grooms Parents Who Earn 3 Times What My Parents Do Contributed A Whole $2,500 To My Sisters Entire $22,000 Wedding.

    They Haven't Done Anything To Treat Themselves Yet, But In Mid October They Will Be Going Away For A Week.

  4. Now-i do not expect everyone to want to do this, but when my daughter was married, her in-laws and i went on the honeymoon-they had come from the other side of the earth(never been in a plane before,or seen the ocean) and i did the driving.We did a road trip-mountains, rivers, beaches etc.for a week, then dropped them at the airport and went home(to my place); next day my daughter and new son took the car and went on their own roadtrip for a week-before they returned to the other side of the earth-we all had a ball.

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