
Question: what is the difference in crimes that will have you end up in county jail as apposed to local jail?

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what crimes will land you in a local jail for however long and what crimes will land you in county jail?




  1. They are the same thing.

    A jail is a pre-court facility.

    A workhouse is an after-court facility that houses short-term sentences of less than one year.

    A prison is an after-court facility for people that have been sentenced to more than one year.

    Many police departments have their own holding areas, but in most cases they are not jails, but temporary holding cells.

  2. Local jails are for temporary housing during the charging and processing procedure. If someone cannot post bond or the offense was something that a judge has to set bond, they go to county. When you're sentenced for the crime that includes jail time, anything less than a one year sentence is a county sentence. Anything over one year is prison time.

  3. Jails are classified by the services they provide. A local jail is a holding facility ( known as an 8 hour facility). That means they have no laundry or medical services on the premises and there are benches for sitting on with no beds available.

    This is what you will find at a local Police precinct or district when first arrested.

    A county jail is considered a full service ( 24 hour) facility. That means full staff, beds, medical staff, clothing and laundry services.

    Upon arrest, a person would first go to the local precinct in and sit in the local jail. At some point, they would then be transferred to the county jail for booking, processing and bail appearance in front of a Judge ( which is also the formal charging of a crime). If bail cannot be met or is denied, the person is detained in the county jail only since they are equipped to care for the person until trial.

    I hope this helps and you can find it useful

  4. County Jail is local jail. Local jails (Like in Mayberry) are just temporary holding jails, Misdemeanors are served in a county or city jail. Prison is for long term felony.

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