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What is a misanthrope?




  1. I think it means when someone's literally  disgusted by the human species,

    sweet people eh? lmaoo


    EDIT: misanthropes unusually only associate themselves with other misanthropes, I think they see themselves as superior to the "human race" so, no I don't think they hate themselves.

  2. A dislike, distrust, or hatred of people. A person who doesn't trust people.

  3. One who hates or mistrusts humankind.

  4. "one who hates mankind," 1563, from Gk. misanthropos "hating mankind," from misein "to hate" + anthropos "man." Alternate form misanthropist is attested from 1656."  A misanthrope detests the very nature of him/herself.  They are disgusted at the thought of humankind as a group or at humankind as a singular type of being.  Some misanthropes are labeled thus because they do not like what humankind has become or how we act as a whole.  Many are uncomfortable with themselves as humans and do not associate with other human beings.

  5. ok

    a person who hates and distrusts people.

    a hater of humankind (Swift and Pope were both consindered misanthropes)

    someone who dislikes people in general

    Misanthropy is a general dislike, distrust, or hatred of the human species, or a disposition to dislike and/or distrust other people. The term is also applicable to those who self-exile themselves or become loners because of the aforementioned feelings. ...

    Misanthrope is a French metal band, formed in 1988. The name of the band is taken from Molière's play Le Misanthrope, reflecting the band's very theatrical style and the influence of the French dramatist on their music and lyrics. (band)

    One who hates all mankind; one who hates the human race



    Main Entry: mis·an·thrope  

    Pronunciation: \ˈmi-sən-ˌthrōp\

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Greek misanthrōpos hating humankind, from misein to hate + anthrōpos human being

    Date: 1683

    : a person who hates or distrusts humankind  

    mis·an·thrope (msn-thrp, mz-) also mis·an·thro·pist (ms-nthr-pst, mz-)


    One who hates or mistrusts humankind.


    [French, from Greek msanthrpos, hating mankind : mso-, miso- + anthrpos, man.]

    Definition of misanthrope (noun)

    someone who dislikes people in general

    One who hates or mistrusts humankind.

    [French, from Greek mīsanthrōpos, hating mankind : mīso-, miso- + anthrōpos, man.]

  6. me a little

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