
Questioning tthe media?

by Guest61277  |  earlier

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Using music or television as an example, identify a performer or program you once liked but began to dislike as you grew older and your tastes changed. Why do you think this happened? Do you think your early interests in popular music or television have had an impact on shaping your identity?




  1. Well i used to be obsessed with the band The Rasmus. But soon it just kind of faded because i realized that in reality i could not relate to what they sang about. But from there i became interested in bands like My Chemical Romance and HIM. Both of which deal with love and hate and the mistakes we all make. So yes i do believe that early influences in Media can effect us as we get older.

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  3. Tastes do change.  It's just how we change as we mature.   We can't always like Barney or Sesame Street.   Our needs, both emotionally and intellectually, have grown.

  4. I no longer like th e Mickey Mouse Club, but I still carry a torch for the memory of Annette Funicello.

    Spaped my identity? No,  but helped it emerge, perhaps.

    Why did my tastes change? Because of maturation.  That's the short answer.  A slightly longer one is that we don't really know.  Growth and maturations are mysterious at best.  We can only approximate understanding.  Disneyland used to thrill me.  Now I am much older and much of the thrill is gone, because I know more, so making believe is much harder.

  5. since we're from different countries, an example wouldn't make sense... (EDIT: some example would be britniiiii spears, backsteet boys...)

    but yes,  when i was in my early teens i used to listen to girl bands and boy bands and dance to their music with my friends. over time i discovered other genres and bands/songs that i could relate to (u2, RHCP, classical)

    i think they shaped my identity, in the sense that they filled a void, they covered a need i had. i was rather shy and out of the spotlight (the brainy type) so i guess i secretly wanted people to see other sides of me, that's why we created dances and showed them at reunions. it was a nice time :) and it helped! i made friends and i managed to get over my fear of appearing in public.

    however i feel more like the development of my personality led to a change in musical tastes, rather than my tastes changing my personality. but i guess you can look at it both ways :)

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