I am doing a project, please submit answers.
Q1 What is your age?
1-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60+
Q2 What country do you come from?
If from UK, which area, you could just put county if you like...
Q3 Do you have a business in the Southeast/London areas?
Yes No; no proceed to Q4.
a) If yes, which type of business is this?
b) Do you think your business will be affected by the
Games? Yes No; If no continue to Q4.
c) If yes, what do you think will change?
4. Do you wish to compete in the Games?
Yes No; continue to Q5
a) If yes, do you think this will have a big impact on your
future? Yes No
Q5 Do you think London deserved to win the bid?
Yes No
Q6 Did you want London to win the bid?
Yes No
Thank you for completing my survey.