
Questionnaire about your attitude and behaviour toward environmental friendly. ?

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According to my school work, I did the questionnaire blog to find out the consumers' attitude and behaviour toward environmental friendly.. so I would like to invite everyone to visit the link shows below to answer the questions.

Thank you very much.




  1. I don't understand a couple of top replies. They are asking what you do or try to do. Just trying to get some info.

  2. It is a lie,so who cares.

  3. Environazis are annoying. I do not need to hear a lecture about what what products do or do not make baby seals cry.  

  4. This post is spam!

  5. As much as many of us are environmentally concious these days, we are going the wrong way about it by trying to enforce those beliefs upon the people. If an individual wishes to go "green" that should be their choice without dictatorship from their government, or anyone else. Secondly, those that try and enforce their green ideals should do so first by example!


    load of rubbish, there is nothing we can do, as there was nothing the dinosaurs could do either !

  7. HI there

    I am interested in Ecology, and really don't know as much as I would like to know, in fact I believe on it, as a must.

    I go along with water conservation, at this moment of time the water companies have a lot of leakages from their water mains, which had been unchecked for years.

    Of course they are slowly repairing them. One german group sold their shares a little while back, because of Government

    legislation and penalty's. (Shareholders came first, that was Thames Water.)

    At around that time 'Water Boards' where pressurising the  

    Government and public to have water meters, to pay for the water you use. I had a letter asking me to have a meter installed,

    I gracefully declined.

    When there is no - or is a water pipe ban, I was asked if I wished to include payment for a hose pipe. (A no - no.!!)  We did our part, we installed showers, ripped out a bath, our toilets cisterns are water friendly.

    Also we do use Solar heating  for our hot water and our radiators., to help our financial resources. We were going to have a windmill generator as an alternative supply of electricity. this was not financially viable, or economic.

    I used to travel a lot in my work, looking at the land around abouts. Farmers planted corn crops year after year, crops were not rotated, this was on chalky downs. The soil being more white

    than brown, this is what I called 'Nitrate' farming to force feed the

    crops, for there was no humus in the soil.

    The rest of the year being pasture land,  sheep grazed the pastures. On rainy spells this nitrate would wash into the streams. This in turn killed a lot of Kingfishers, Woodpeckers,

    some years ago we had a lot of Dutch Elm disease because of it.

    Not to mention other bird life, and other smaller animal life.

    Dairy products can be affected too, through the spraying of root

    crops, such as potatoes and vegetables. Then there are beet crops, and orchard fruit crops sprayed to keep the bugs down, these substances are hazardous, no matter how small the content.

    World wide fishing stocks are gradually being depleted through over trawling.

    North and South Poles are having a gradual meltdown, and the oceans are rising, so low lying land masses such as Polynesia,

    Micronesia, are in imminent danger of going beneath the waves.

    Low lying countries and places, like Holland, East Anglia and London are under threat to a lesser degree.

    What with toxic emitions from developing countries like China and India with hot air gases rising and lodging themselves in the upper atmosphere. China is in real difficulties with heavy polluted rivers, and smog. Where large areas of land have had no rainfall with desert like conditions.

    The USA has at last woken up, and is at last doing some in-house cleansing towards becoming pollution free, thus at last

    being more accountable with their casual attitude to discharging


    Cars and lorries have become cleaner and greener. I have an idea trains are being dealt with at this moment of time. What concerns me and never gets a mention is aircraft, Jumbo's and the like of:- are AV-GAS burners, the pollution caused must be


    This is a subject that goes on and on. So it's time to terminate.


    Pee - Wee.

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