
Questionnaire for Travel and Tourism research- please help!?

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Questionnaire- The affect of Media reporting on the Travel and Tourism industry- Portugal

1) Since the abduction of Madeleine McCann on May 3rd 2007, have you or your family visited Portugal? If yes, which area?

2) If the above answer was no, why not?

3) Do you think the reporting of Madeleine’s disappearance has had positive effects for Portugal? If so, how?

4) Do you think the reporting of Madeleine’s disappearance has had negative effects for Portugal? If so, how? E.g. local economy, culture...

5) If you had just read the attached article about Madeleine’s disappearance, would you be likely to go to Praia da Luz? If not, why?

6) Why do you think fewer tourists are likely to go to Portugal after reporting of Madeleine’s disappearance?

7) Do you think the majority of the reporting on Madeleine’s disappearance was positive or negative?

8) Do you think reporting on this issue has affected the Travel and Tourism Industry? If yes, how?

thanks!! x




  1. 1) Yes, Praia da Luz....but I don't believe she was abducted.

    2) Not applicable

    3) Yes, in the sense that people are sympathetic with the Portuguese because of the slurs made against them by the British press.

    4) No

    5) I would return to Praia da Luz without hesitation.

    6) I don't think fewer tourists will visit Portugal.

    7) The British press reporting was predominately negative.

    8) No.

  2. 1. No, we have not.

    2. Because we already went to Jamaica this year and we can't afford to take more than one trip in a year.

    3. No, because it makes people think Portugal is unsafe.

    4. Yes, because people think Portugal is a bad place.

    5. No, because I can't afford to go on another vacation this year.

    6. Because they think Portugal is a haven for paedophiles.

    7. Most was negative.

    8. Yes, because less people have visited Portugal.

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