
Questions About Max-OT?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I'm 15, male, trying to gain muscle mass. Here are my questions:

1) How come for the first week they don't tell you stuff that they tell you in the second week, even though it could be applied to the first week.

For example, they don't tell you how to properly warm-up until the second week. They don't tell you about proper nutrition until the fourth week as well.

2) How heavy of a weight should I use for my warm-ups and weight-acclimation sets? With a 15 pound weight I reach failure at 8 reps, I know, pretty bad, but I had 2 major surgeries over the past 2 years.




  1. 1) i really have no idea why, see i just read everything from page one to page 100 or 150 w.e it is...i guess they like to take it slow and you learn something new every week, cuz most people (like myself) will only retain like 50 percent of that information

    if they like overload you on take protein take glutamine eat this way workout that way warmup and all that c**p, your prob not going to remember everything

    and the warming up...idk why they dont tell you that, that should be the first thing they tell you cuz its so important...makes you lift more weight and prevent injury

    2)see this is what i do...idk what they say but this works for me idk why though

    these are percentages of 4-6 maxes

    15 reps-50%

    12 reps-50%

    8 reps-70%

    4 reps-85%

    1 rep-95%

    3)they say it can be from 30-60 minutes, and it doesnt include warmup sets

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