
Questions About Parakeets??

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I have 2 beautiful parakeets named Baby Doll and Little Bit.I got Baby Doll a week&a half ago&I got Little Bit about 5 days ago.Well Ba by Doll was so sweet&loving until we got Little Bit-who then taught Baby Doll to bite us EVERY time we stuck our hands in their cage.My questions are:why are they biting?How can I tell their age?How can I tell the s*x of my birds?What are some great sites for information about parakeets?




  1. If you look at the top of there Ceres (fleshy part above the nose) it will turn brownish tan (if it's a female) or ( dark blueish if it's a male) when they are young they all are a light pinkish and will change as they mature. You must handel them often to let them get accustom to you.

    Good luck with your birds!

  2. I have the exact same problem. I had one parakeet at first and he was really sad and lonely so we got him a friend. Well now that they have each other they don't want to play or be anywhere near me or my family. Whenever I try to clean their cage they run around and try to get away. Once I was even bitten! I suppose its because they would rather interact with each other than a person.

    You can find a lot of information about parakeets just by going to google and typing in parakeet.

    You can determine the gender of your parakeet by the color of their beak. I believe blue means it is male and brown is female. But just in case, I'd look it up to make sure that's right.  

  3. The parakeet is most likely acting like that because now he has a friend and would rather be with his little buddy. To stop their biting you're going to need to give them both a lot of attention.

    To tell the gender of them look above their beek, by their nose area. If it's pink its a girl, if its blue its a boy.

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