
Questions Sociologist, Anthropologist, and Psychologist would ask about immigration?

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I am doing a research paper on Vietnamese Canadians... I need three questions each from an anthropologist, sociologist and psychologist's perspective on their immigration. I have the following:

How will being in a new country affect their traditions and customs? (anthro)

How did the war influence your decision to immigrate? or What was their motive for immigration? (psych)

How did staying on a boat affect their mentality? (psych)

How has Vietmanese Canadians affected the Buddhist religion in Canada? (soc)

Since many Vietnamese Canadians are younger, how has their immigration affected the Canadian workforce and economy//school institution? (soc)

any other ideas?




  1. For sociology, I would ask what the future population trends of Vietnamese Canadians would be. For example, are people still immigrating at a steady rate? Why or why not?

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