
Questions about 15mth olds teeth?

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how many teeth should a 15mth old have by now? (my son has 8 front teeth and working on some back teeth)

when do they get a break from teething, for how long?

how do you properly brush a young toddler's teeth? how often?

when do you take them for their first dentist check-up?

I'm taking him off the soother, how will this affect his teeth?

no rude answers plz.. :)




  1. all kids are different. my daughter got her first tooth at 3 months. after that she didnt get anymore til 9months. and she's still missing one that never came in. the doctors dont think it's a big deal, but they suggest the first dentist visit should be anytime after one.. between 1 and 3 is the perfect time for their first visit!  i brush my 2 year olds teeth twice a day.(am and pm)

    at 2 yrs old they will get 4 molars. my daughter has 11 front teeth(1 is missing, never came in) 2 1yr molars and working on 2 2yr molars. 2 more to come soon.(she just turned 2 a week ago!)

    what is a soother? pacifier? my daughter has a paci and so far we dont see any problems with her teeth!

    hope this helps!!

  2. Baby's teeth come in at different rates. My daughter is 17 months old and has four front top teeth, four front bottom teeth, and four total back teeth (and she's working on two more.)  Your son sounds like he's just where he should be in developing his little teethies.

    Regarding brushing his little teethies, you should try to do it twice a day (like you would your own teeth) but it is super hard to brush a toddler's teeth. (Gosh, is it hard!!)  Anyway, try giving him his own tooth-brush to chew on while you try to use either a toddler toothbrush, one of those finger-brush things, or a damp wash-cloth with baby-friendly floride-free toothpaste on it (just a dab)  You are likely to get bitten, but a few swipes over the front twice a day should ward off plaque enough until he's old enough to make it slightly easier on you.

    In the mean time, do not let him drink milk, soda, or juice before bed (and certainly not after his teeth are brushed.) Clear water is good for his teeth and won't be yucky in his mouth all night long.  Ween him off the bottle. After his teeth are brushed in the evenng, no more snacks, especially bready snacks. (Did you know, bread is worse for your teeth than straight sugar? It is because bread is also a "sugar" but it has the added disadvantage of staying in, on, or around your teeth, whereas sugar tends to disolve away quickly. )

    I am not sure when is an appropriate time for his first denta check.  Probably when all of his little teeth have come in...  Give your dentist a call to find out for sure.

    Oh, also, once those little teeth start coming in, they don't get much of a break until they're all in.  The first two usually come in and then there's a little break, but then when the others start coming in, it is pretty continuous.  I can't be much help with that because my daughter has not had any problems with teething pain what-so-ever, so I can't even imagine what that is like for your average baby. *shrug*

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