1. I know that these has been asked before, but what do you truly think about Victor firing Adam Wilson (Victor Jr.)? Personally, I think he had it coming when he fired Neil and Victoria, and hired that snake in the grass Bradstard as CEO of Newman Enterprises. He thought he was being the child that Victor wanted, but I think it's apparent that Victor isn't that ruthless. Destroying the legacy of NE just because it says you got in the will - not the way to go. Doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want with the company. I smell another will revision to include Nick and Victoria back.
2. What do you think will happen to actor Chris Engen now that Adam has been fired? Do you think he is being released from his contract because his character wasn't all that interesting, like TPTB did with Raya Meddine (Sabrina)? If so, then I wonder if his last scenes are being filmed or already have been filmed.