
Questions about Australia and New Zealand???

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1. Is New Zealand more tolorant towards foregniers than Australia is, Which is more Tolorant, Australia or New Zealand towards cultural differences?

2. Are Australians more nationalistic than New Zealanders?

3. Are Australians generally more s****. than New Zealanders?

4. Which country is more drought aware?

5. Has better Technology (ei. Broadband?)?

6. Which is more obease?

7. Which is quiter???

8. Has better training programme and education?

9. Has nicer people?

10. Which is more welcoming?

11. More tolorant towards the native people of their lands?

12. overall which is better???




  1. Don't know, but we love sheep jokes here in Australia. Does that help?.........probably not. Sorry, just had to say it - no offence.

  2. 1. Australia and NZ are both tolerant  we understand that there is different cultures

    2. Were much the same we both take pride of our roots

    3. h**l no! The only s****. Aussie is not a born Aussie

    4. Australia as we have very bad drought areas and has been like that for more than 100yrs

    5. both are the same

    6. Australia

    7. None

    8. Were under different governing bodies theyre is no better and no worse its what the teaching deptartment deems is to be taught to the kids

    9. Australia

    10. Australia

    11. Both

    12. Both

  3. New Zealand has just over 4 million people and Australia has 22 million or so. Your questions have no sensible and measurable answers and all answers will depend upon the prejudices and attitudes ot the answerer.

    In the first 11 cases, the answer must be "depends on who you ask and where you ask". Tha answer to the 12th question can only really be answered by the vast numbers of Kiwis who now call Australia home. Inter-country migration is nearly all one way.

    Would the last person in New Zealand please turn out the lights!

  4. 1.i'd say its equal

    2. equal again

    3. i reckon aussies are more materialistic so yeah

    4. Oz, nz doesnt have drought issues

    5. Oz for broadband lol, nz internet is the pits

    6. aussies

    7. nz, less people

    8. nz

    9. nz

    10. nz

    11. niether lol


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