My younger brother (age 11) has moderate to severe high functioning autism. When I lived at home, we NEVER talked about it, we just referred to him as 'different' (terrible I know) so no one ever answered my questions about my brothers autism. I live on my own now, but this topic is still taboo for my mother. So, here I go:
Is Autism genetic?
Are family members of people with autism more likely than other to experience 'challenges'? (Because I have severe Learning Disabilities and my mother also has learning issues, just not as severe as mine)
Is it normal for a nonverbal Autistic child to just start speaking one day? (When my brother was nine, although odd and monotonous he started speaking in full sentences out of the blue one day)
Can people with moderate to severe high functioning autism ever be a part of normal society, or will my brother be in a home or my mothers care forever?
What does 'high functioning' mean exactly?
Thanks so much for answering my questions