
Questions about Cancun trip...?

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My son is going to Cancun in July for his senior trip, staying at the Riu hotel. We are wondering about a couple of things. Do they take a Mastercard debit card at most places down there, not just the hotel but at shops, restaurants, etc.? Also, will he be able to make calls back to the states with his cell phone (Motorola Razr - ATT service), in terms of reception?

These might seem like goofy questions, but I haven't been out of the country in about 14 years and things have really changed since then.





  1. Hola from Cancun!

    I use my debit card at the ATM machines for cash...Mexico is a cash society.

    Most important call your bank to tell them the debt card will be used in Mexico, give them the may even want to put a stop limit per day on it (something to think about)

    The ATM machine will give pesos the instructions on the screen are in English and Spanish. It doesn't matter what bank machine is used the surcharge is roughly $1.50 and on top of that what ever your bank charges for out of country transactions.

    Use pesos!

    When a credit/debit card is used to pay for tours, there is a surcharge of 3% - 7% "transaction fee" you may not know it but you pay it!

    No, travelers checks please...the Mexican banks are extremely picky about signatures...

    Your questions aren't just want to be well informed.

  2. We just got back from Cancun yesterday and stayed at the Riu Caribe.  There are three Riu hotels in Cancun:  The Riu Caribe, Riu Cancun, and Riu Las Americas.  The Caribe was very nice, although there is no air conditioning in the lobby and the beds are like rocks!  Other than that, the staff is wonderful, the guests are friendly, the food is good, and there are tons of activities.  

    The drinking age in Mexico is 18 but it is generally not enforced.  At the hotel, they will give underage kids red bracelets, but even the underage kids were given drinks freely at the hotel bars.  (Just wanted to mention this if it is a concern for you.)

    We tried to avoid using the debit cards for security reasons and because the bank charged 3% or $5 for each foreign transaction (Chase), but used credit cards for larger purchases at the hotel, airport, and larger merchants.  We used cash as much as possible for tips (although not required--tips are included in the price at Riu but we like to tip anyway) and purchases at the market and street vendors.

    We have Sprint and didn't seem to have cell service there, although I just checked at the airport then turned the phones off and didn't re-check again.  We have a nationwide (U.S. plan) so didn't want to rack up tons of international charges.  At the Riu Caribe they have computers in the sports bar where he can access the internet for $6 U.S. for 30 minutes.  This may be more economical than international cell phone charges if you just want him to check in with you.

    Travelers checks--I haven't used these in years and didn't see anyone there using them.  If you want to use them, you could probably exchange them for cash at the hotel, although it would be just as easy to go to an ATM to withdraw cash using the debit card.

  3. I have never tried to use a credit card in Cancun, but yes, they usually take them. But not at small places, only at hotels and big name restaurants like senor frogs. I recommend taking all cash and find a good hiding place for it. If you insist on a credit card, make sure you let your bank know before you leave on your trip, or they will stop all activity on the account if it randomly starts being used in mexico.

    yes, he will have service. It's called Rockstar or Popstar or something. But everywhere in the city there is some sort of service, i use AT&T as well and I never had a problem with it.

  4. Yes they take debit and master cards at like gift shops and all those kinds of things. yes he will be able to make calls but it might charge him money. You should take cash. If you take cash make sure before you go to Cancun you change your cash into pesos because over there its going to be harder for you to change your money into pesos. So you should change your money here.

  5. Visit Xcaret while in Cancun. It's a snorkeling ecological park. Worth seeing. Cozumel is nice and known for their snorkeling. Isla de mujeres is an island right off Cancun and that is another fun place to visit. Ferrys run all day. They have excursions available at the resort. Another place that I highly recommend is Chitchenitza, Mayan pyramids. It's a day trip, but is a once in a lifetime thing.

    Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere, but cash is best. For the best and most current exchange rates and so he doesn't have to carry alot of cash, use an ATM when he needs money. Have him secure his stuff in his room safe.

    For calls, when I am there, I use Yahoo messenger. I think it is 3 cens a min. and there are tons of cyber cafes, including at the hotel. Many of them have phones he can call out of also. He can purchase a phone card there also. As for Motorola, I'm not sure.

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