
Questions about Crohn's disease?

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Does it sound like I have Crohn’s disease?

I’m 27 year old active female. I have had constant diarrhea for about 4 months until last week. My stool has been every color you can think of, yellow, green and black. I have had noticeable blood in my stool a few times. I went to the doctor a few times because I had diarrhea and was very fatigue. I didn’t have any parasites, my gallbladder was fine, I do have acid flux very bad and joint pain. I go for a colonoscopy next week. As of right now I don’t have diarrhea but I have adomanal discomfort. Can the doctor tell if I have Crohn’s without a flare up?

P.S. I did have bad eye sight to until I had surgery earlier this year.




  1. Hi. My girlfriend's daughter has Crohn's, and how they diagnose it is they put a small camera down your throat into your stomach so they can see the lesions in your stomach and intestines. It's not a pleasant thing to go through, but they have to see your insides to know how bad it is. You do not have to be having a flare up to get a diagnosis. I hope that's not what you have, it's hard to see my friend's daughter sick all the time. Good Luck, hope you feel better soon, Hugs :-)

  2. I am 31 years old and I have had Crohn's for 8 years.  

    Your doctor should be able to tell from the colonoscopy if you have Crohn's.  It might not hurt to get a 2nd opinion afterwards to verify that to yourself.  

    If you do have Crohn's, it isn't the end of the world.  Trust me.  Go to

    That is a great site full of good information.  

  3. hi krissy, I am a female crohn's pt. for 28 yrs. dxed at the age of 12. When I was tested for it many yrs. ago, I had the symptoms of fatigue, abdominal pain, the big C or D, some blood, and a low grade temp.

    After my GI scoped me, he didn't find any inflammation in my gut but he still went with his instincts and dxed me as having Crohn's.  The inflammation in my colon finally showed up a few yrs. later during another scope & then I was put on 80 mg. of steroids to get things in remission. Unfortunately, when I was 17, I needed to have surgery to save my life so I had a total colectomy done.

    Wait until the GI examines you before you jump the gun. If it is Crohns, there are newer treatments to get the symptoms under control such as Remicade, humira, 6MP, Imuran, and Entocort.

    The crohn's and colitis foundation has a website with info ranging from how it's dxed, symptoms, newer treatments, women's issues, surgery, to locating a local support group near you. They also have a live chat and hotline run by healthcare experts well versed in IBD. There is also an open forum where pts. and family members can post questions to others who have Crohns.

    Take it one day at a time. I wish you the best.    

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