
Questions about Dark Matter?

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How likely is it that there exists whole planets made of Dark Matter, with intel;intelligent lifeforms also made of dark matter? How much different is dark matter from regular matter other than it reacts to light differently? Is there anything stopping dark matter from giving rise to lifeforms much like those made of regular matter or it simply just some gigantic "glue" that holds everything together and has no intelligence to it at all, whatsoever?

I'm not suggesting Dark Matter is God though, but I find that theory interesting too. Just asking within all the dark matter that exists in the universe, can there be dark matter worlds with dark matter beings.




  1. Although no one really knows what dark matter is, theorists mostly agree that dark matter isn't similar to what we understand as matter. Even with things unlike regular matter, like anti-matter, there's a fluorine equivalent, a carbon equivalent, there's similarity in atomic structure, et.. The same is not true with dark matter. Dark matter is mostly believed to be composed of intangible things like neutrinos, axions, and large non-interacting particles.

    The reason dark matter "life" seems unlikely is that the phenomenon we observe as life is almost wholly defined by regular matter's ability to combine and react. Dark matter is by nature non-reactive with the environment around it (hence why we can't see it). Normal matter combines, reacts, forms compounds and molecules. Although we call dark matter: "matter" , it doesn't mean at all that it resembles the structure of normal atoms which combine and react. Matter isn't so scientific as it is more a substitute for the word "stuff ".

    If there is some sort of life formed by the interaction of magnetic fields and axions and neutrinos, it certainly isn't like anything we would comprehend, and certainly would fall out of range of "Life as we know it". Fascinating idea though. I'm sure you could sell that to a science fiction writer. ;)

  2. Dark matter isn't anything like regular matter. Dark matter doesn't interact with normal matter, and it doesn't clump together like normal matter, which means that planets or lifeforms can't be made out of dark matter. However, Dark matter is prevalant throughout the universe. If it does exist, then supposedly there are billions of tiny dark matter particles moving through and around you right now. Many people think that dark matter is made up of neutrinos, which are elusive particles that are difficult to study because they are invisible and can pass right through normal matter.

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