
Questions about George Washington? (for a paper)?

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Ok, I got assigned to do a paper on George Washington for American History. I only need some background information. I have to stand in front of the class and read the paper while a picture of him is on the projector. What I need to know is, a couple of reasons why he was one of the most influential people in American History.And, what else could I put on this paper? I need to be talking for a good minute. At school tomorrow we are going into the computer lab and I just want to do some research so I know a little bit more about him.




  1. made his early living as an indian killer, was an unsuccesful general and got lucky when the british decided India was more valuable than the americas.  

  2. He was practically worshiped as a God during his day, some people went as far as to capitalize the H in "Him" when they were referring to him.

    "They were with Him."

    Therefore, what ever he said or did was listened to.  

  3. He had wooden teeth and smoked weed.

  4. Here is a little interesting tid bit you could add in your report. What is referred to as George Washingtons headquartes farm in August 10, 1777  Marquis de Lafayette joined the American Revolution.  The thirteen-starred “Betsy Ross” flag was first unfurled at the “Cross Roads near Neshamini Bridge”.In Hartsville Pennsylvania. My home town. Here is a bit more information if you like to follow up on this?

  5. Yahoo web site search.  Some topics about George are incorrect.  

    Pick a certain part of his life and discuss that at length.  This approach will eliminate many aspects of his life and by focusing on one.  That will be much easier to keep in your mind.  

    Interesting is his wife Martha and his brother Lawrence.  Lawrence owned Mount Vernon and Martha owned the slaves.  This is interesting and mostly unknown.  George was born in Virginia on the Northern Neck.  His home at Mount Vernon was close to Gunston Hall which was another home of the founding fathers George Mason.  Follow this thread.  You'll find that Mount Vernon even had a distillery for making alcohol (to drink).  Have fun, history is terrific.

  6. He was a leader in the Revolutionary War and became the first President of the United States of America.  He's the on who limited each president to two terms... and I'm not certain, but I think he chose the term "President" as well.  He was also really tall...

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