
Questions about Italy! :D?

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So, long story short, I might have to live in Rome, Italy, for a year. I'm going to be homestaying I guess :P

So, how is it there?

Full info please :D





-Magnificent views

-Women (rawrrr)

Thank you in advance!




  1. my husband and i have been living in northern italy between brecia and milan. the thing about italy is there is alooot to see. so plan out your trips now, you dont want to come here and see nothing that would suck .

    ok weather in the summer it is hot not many places with good ac but if you find a shady spot outside it is actually better than being  inside with the fans blowing on you. The food is great. before i came here i was not a fan of italian food but oh my goodness the food here is just too good. the pizza is thinner though i like it but my husband is not too keen on it. the people some are really nice really pleasant some are not and thats just life. and oh yeah there are plenty of magnificent views just walk around and you will find plenty. yes there are lots of women but alot of the guys here that i know tend to date romanians and not the italians and the guys say its becuase thet think that those girls are prettier, now i dont know how the average roman italian female will look because ive been living fairly close to milan fashion distract of the world and i can say up here for the most part they are all very very skinny and dressed to the hilt even 80 yr old grandma as a matter of fact they are so fit you are not able to tell how old they are till you see their face. and customs just be ready for things to go much slower italians dont feel the need to rush, if you drive here dont honk its very offensive, italians are very friendly with kids they do appreciate you atleast trieng to speak the language oh and be prepared for the smell the spray liquid **** to fertalize everything so yeah

  2. hi Kevin, I'm from Italy!I live in Bologna but i'm original of the sardinia!the weather depends obviously on the zone...the best season is the spring!the food is very very good!!we are famous for the Pasta!!!the people is wonderfull: kind and accomadete them!we have the normal customs but this is a bad period because we have one strongly crisis: the Italian state is carrying to the ruin many families!the italy is a fantastic country and Rome is a favolous city!I you council of living a experience in Italy!!bye bye!!!

  3. Rome weather is variable. Since I don't know where you are I can only compare it to other places. Much like San Francisco only warmer in summer. Not likely any snow but could be there on occasion.

    Food. If you like Italian food you will love Rome. The regions of Italy tend towaed specialities Rome is Cosmopolitan. Even has MacDonalds and Burger King for a change of pace. Food tends toward pricey but welcome to Italy. When in Rome ... we tend to locate a small neighbourhood restaurant that meets our budget and get to know and be known. They are usually proud of their specialities and have specials that are pleasing. Be wary of sidewalk Restaurants in the downtown area (advice from hotel workers) they often don't have kitchens nearby and must bring food to the restaurant. So quality suffers.

    The people in Rome are like people evrywhere. Rome is a beautiful city with lots of history and culture. The citizens are proud of their city and are happy to share it if you treat it accordingly. Number 1 Characteristic though Drivers in Rome have two speeds all out and stop. Nothing in between. And they love their automobiles, motorcycles, and scooters. This is everyone. Got run down at an intersection by 3 'Grey Nuns' in a Fiat one day. You'll learn how to survive after a while and it will become common nature quickly.

    The hardest custom to adjust to is the meal times. Breakfast is taken on foot. Standing at a cafeteria (Coffee Bar) eating sweet buns and drinking Capuchino of espresso. Italians either inhale their coffee or take forever to drink in nothing in between or functional. Lunches are the large meal of the day often taking hours to eat and taken liesurely. Dinners are taken late most restaurants don't open for dinner until 9:00 pm. again this meal is eaten leisurely.

    The city of Rome is a collection of museums, churches and surprises. THe City is 2500 years old and has grown over time. Very little has been demolished to build anew. The builders just moved to the next area and built the new. The longest stay I have had in the city at any one time was 1 week. I think it would take a year to see everything at least once. If I were to give one piece of advice it is to drop into random churches just to look. They are generally open and free. There are some magnificant artwork hidden inside the most innocuous walls. Enjoy.

    Saved the women for last. As my wife says Roman women break the stereotype of the Italian women. They are tall slim and beautiful. They love to dress and have some of the top fashion houses at their command. They walk everywhere and walk swiftly. That explains their slimness. Every thing is a power walk.

    That's it in a nutshell I would suggest you purchase Rick Steve's Guide to Rome if you are only going to buy one book. It scratches the surface wonderfully.


    Excuse the Spelling I wrote so much Spell Check doesn't work.

  4. Hello,

    First of all you are so lucky !!  Italy is so great.  I was only there for a little over a week but just loved it.  I was only in Rome for a few days but loved the food and all the old sites.  Being in Rome you will also be close to Florence, and Venice those are also exciting areas.

    I would just love to be able to live in Italy for a year.  Will you get a chance to travel around while you are there ?  I would recommend seing the Amalfi Coast in Southern Italy and the Cinque Tere (sp?) in the northern area.

    I've listed some websites below.  Good Luck and have fun.

  5. I am full Italian/Sicilian and have been to Italy twice. I love everything about it!




    Men (Okay women are pretty too);

    Customs - very into family. Men are all mommy's boys!;

    Tons of views, and historical regions...tons;

    Artwork is everywhere!

    The weather is cold in the winter...temperatures are similar to California. You can go to to check for Italy.

    The people are very friendly..and will go above and beyond to help you!

    The food was the best I have ever eaten! I never had a bad meal anywhere. Fish, Meats, Fresh home made pasta....yummy desserts. The wine is the best as well.

    I'm not bias of course. ;)

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