
Questions about Jabreel Farista who delivered messages to Mohammad?

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How did this winged creature fly all the way from the moon down to Hira?




  1. we can't really understand the exact nature of his wings.

  2. bcz he was a massanger form Allah and he had to do what Allah tell him and Allah told him to give the Quran verses to Muhammad (PBUH) and secondly no one knows if he had wings or not and he did not come from the moon he came from the seventh sky  

  3. u just answerd ur own question einstein, he had wings

  4. how does everything else happen around us ?

    the birds fly , the sunlight reach our planet , the air we breath ....etc etc


  5. it had taken a bicycle ride

  6. You are truly pathetic. i really feel sorry for you and may Allah (the most peaceful) help you get back on the real path.  

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