
Questions about Jury Duty?

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I'm 20 years year old and I just got a Nassau County, NY Juror Summons as a standby juror. I'm a little lost on what to wear and what I can bring if I do get called up to serve. On the summons it said no picture or camera phones are allowed but I was wondering if I could bring my Ipod or psp. I want to bring a book but I'm thinking it would get in the way so could I bring some type of book bag to hold it? Answers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.




  1. Be sure to wear all the jewelry you can find, real jewelry or costume jewelry, and tell everybody you came for jewelry duty, so they'll let you go.

  2. You will need to wear nice clothes.  You don't have to dress up and you can wear jeans, but nothing dirty or with holes.  Oh, no shorts either.  You probably shouldn't bring anything electronic because it could interfere with the recording system for the court reporter, as could a cell phone left on vibrate. You can definitely bring a book or two; it can always be put under your chair if they call you up to the jury's seats.

  3. Jury duty is a lot of hurry up and wait. Dress neatly, business casual is a good idea. Bring a book to read while waiting and I don't think you'll have a problem with the ipod. Book bags aren't a problem either.

  4. They just do not want anything there that could take others pictures.  Being a juror is a private thing.  I imagine you could take a book.  You might be sitting around for hours and nothing to do.

  5. Bring a book and don't dress so that you look like a bum.  Just do what they ask you to do, nothing to be afraid of. You might even enjoy it, I did.

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