
Questions about Paris and where to find things?

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What is the cheapest way to get to Mont Saint Michel from Paris?

What is the cheapest way to get to Amsterdam from Paris?

Where can I find Top Ramen or the French verizon of something like that where it is really cheap?

Where can I find Dr. Pepper or Fanta Starwberry or Mr. Pibb?




  1. Your best bet to get to Mont Saint-Michel is to take the train. Just take a train to Pontorson:

    The same would apply for getting from Amsterdam to Paris, although you might look into the possibility of taking the bus instead:

    American snackfood is easy to find, though I'd recommend living a little and sampling the local cuisine if possible. Cheap places to go food shopping, if you're on a budget, include "Leader Price", "Ed l'épicier", "Champion", and "Carrefour"- people working at your hotel should be able to tell you how to get to the nearest one.

  2. The train is the best way to get to Mont Saint Michel or Amsterdam.

    There are some Asian stores in Chinatown (near the place d'Italie) that have a full selection of instant noodles.  Additionally, similar instant noodles can be found in most large supermarkets—sometimes in the "foreign foods" section.

    American soft drinks can be found at American grocery stores like Thanksgiving or The Real McCoy; some of them are also sold in ordinary stores, such as Coca-Cola, 7-Up, Cherry Coke, Fanta, etc.

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