
Questions about September 11 attacks.?

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Answer the following questions and give your AGE.

What happened?

Who attacked?

What was the motivation?

What was the response of the USA?

What were the short and long term effects of the events of 9/11?




  1. What happened? a building fell down

    Who attacked? crazed muslims

    What was the motivation? 72 virgins

    What was the response of the USA? OTT

    What were the short and long term effects of the events of 9/11? short term the usa collectively wet themselves in panic

    long term the USA can now do what it likes in the war against terror including torture and bombig civillians  

  2. 15

    Building in new york was attacked


    To see if Bush would do any thing

    To bomb them like crazy

    Short term - Bush doesn't know what he's doing

    Long term - Bush doesn't know what he's doing for 8 years

  3. I'm 33

    19 hijackers, 15 of them Saudi Arabian nationals under the instruction of Osama Bin Laden hijacked four US airliners.  Two planes were crashed into the twin towers of the world trade center, one into the pentagon, and after hearing of the previous events the passengers of the fourth overpowered the hijackers and the plane was crashed.

    The motivation was to frighten the US into disengaging from the middle east.  To keep us from supporting nations like Saudi Arabia and Egypt so that the islamists could topple those governments and establish an Islamic Caliphate that would control most of the world's oil and use it's power to spread their version of Islam across the globe.

    The USA enacted laws to better monitor terrorist activity on US soil and overseas and attacked the terrorist's training camps and state sponsor (Afghanistan).

    Am I doing your homework assignment for you or something?

  4. Which version - the 'official story' or the truth?

    Really, it depends on who you ask.

    I'm 53, and not at all convinced we were 'attacked by terrorists'.

  5. Do your own homework man.

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