
Questions about Starting Karate?

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- Is 20 too old to start karate?

- Will I be awkward, being a girl? I mean, do a lot of teenage girls take karate?

- Prices of karate classes? the closet to me is a Tiger Schulmans (sp?)

- Will it really help with exercise? (muscles, abs, etc?)

- What else will taking karate improve? (confidence, less stress, etc?)

- Has anyone found other forms of martial arts more satisfactory? (aikido, jiujutsu, etc?)

Thanks much!




  1. Not too old at all, but avoid Tiger Schulman.  They have a very bad reputation as a McDojo.  

    In general:

    1.  NEVER Sign a contract, if they are good they will accept you month to month.

    2.  If they have a bunch of 10 y/o's running around with black belts, go else where, the standards are VERY LOW.

    3.  Get a list of fees up front, you should be able to buy your uniform and equipment at any MA store or online.

    Good luck and have fun.

  2. Let me save you some pain, before you sign up get your base physical conditioning done , interval training would be best.  Be able to do punches and kicks for one hour straight before you join(Kinda like Billy Blanks stuff)You get in these studios they will just about kill you with exercise, I almost puked once and the instructor said, great your really training hard now. BOTTOM LINE IS AS FOLLOWS AFTER 25 YRS OF STUDYING THE ARTS THE BEST WAY TO GET IN SHAPE IS THE PROGRESSIVE WAY, NOT ALL THE HUFFING & PUFFING GARBAGE,  THAT ALL BURNS YOU OUT, YOU WON'T WANT TO FACE IT EVERYDAY, TAKE FROM  SOMEONE WHO'S BEEN THROUGH THE h**l.

  3. 20 is not to old.

    It is only awkward if you make it awkward. Many women excel in  martial arts.

    Prices varies from school to school

    You will exercise and develop muscles and do a lot of stretching.

    Building confidence, reducing stress has long been associated with learning martial arts

    Try not to focus on what style, but focus on finding a good school with good instructors.

  4. I can't believe it when I see others asking this.  Why would you think that you are to old to start karate?   When I began in 1967 there were almost no students under 17 and many did not start until in their 30's. I had one student start training when he was in his 50's. In his early 60's he became a qualified instructor under my organization.

  5. OH NO!!! You are waaayyyy too old!!!! You shouldn't even be thinking about it!!! You should be knitting socks for your grand children!!!

    I don't have to say that I'm kidding... do I?

    Anyway, stay away from Tiger Schulman's. As I posted on someone else's question - if you look in the dictionary under "McDojo" - you will see Tiger Schulman's School Logo next to the definition.

    When you study real martial arts, you transform into a higher level of human. This is truth.

  6. Hi, 20 is just a pup and no it is not to old to start any martial art. I have people in there 50s and 60s start all the time.

    Anything new will feel awkward at first (unless you are a natural) but with practice and time you will feel less and less awkward, girl or boy. And yes there are lots of teenage girls taking martial arts of all kinds, not just karate.

    The obvious answer to helping with your exercise is yes. It will help immensely. You will move your body and muscles in ways that not many other activities will permit. MA (Martial Arts) will work every muscle in your body and make you strong without making you rigid or stiff.  Not only will you gain strength but also flexibility and grace as well. Dance is the only other activity that will do this for you.

    You will learn to perform under pressure, which will help with your confidence.  As you progress you will also be expected to help others learn with you have accomplished which will help with leadership skills and also confidence. Others will look up to you and you will become a role model. Your stress levels may go up at first but the exercise and confidence gained will offset this stress and you will learn to manage or maintain your stress.

    You should visit a few schools of various styles and find a Master and school that provides what you are looking for. Most schools offer free trial lessons of some sorts and you should use those lessons to feel out the school, students and instructors and styles.  Do not lock yourself into one style of another. Most times body shape and posture of a person will dictate the style that suites them best.

    MA and schools are about building relationships and you should feel good about the people around you. MA should be about improving ones self.  You seem to be asking great questions and it looks like you want to improve yourself.  Many student look to the MA for the wrong reasons but you seem to be looking at it for all the right reasons.  MA is a life style and should be come a part of your everyday life.

    Prices vary so I can not give you set or even ball park figure. Many times schools have a set price they charge but they also can work out deals for people that may not be as fortunate as others.

    Hope I have helped.

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