
Questions about Teaching English in China ?

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This question(s) is inspired by cooltron' s answer;_ylt=AkmgGjXT.UZkejCNCZhVpt4M7RR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080727191312AA2875j

Why China does not follow US to

1) make it harder for an American to come to China ?

2) To teach in a China school you need a certificate that is recognized in China ?

3) You need be qualified a teacher, just speaking English does NOT do ?

4) A native English speaker is no guarantee to make a good language teacher. In fact, a non-native speaker often makes a better language teacher since they will understand the difficulties of the students better.

Why China does not follow US’s example as illustrated by cooltron’s answer ?




  1. Why not, they should make it harder for a devolving country to not shoot itself in the foot.

    In a perfect world every English teacher should have the certificates needed to teach English, a simple English degree or speaking English is not the right answer.

    The problem is theres a growing number of English teaching schools run by Chinese people who are just in it for the money. Its a supply and demand thing, there more than too happy to pay some white face person as long as they have money comming in.

    For the rules for the school they should get rid of the "you need a degree" to get a visa and replace it that you need the ESL teaching certificate. Make it law that you need the ESL certificate to be able to teach English in any Chinese school. I have come across teachers who are Chinese in remote schools in China and have simply got the job because they have a degree and can speak English.

    The only problem is as there are not that many qualified English teachers in China getting rid of all the non ESL certificated teachers would have 2 effects.

    a) Rise the cost of teaching English, the ESL teachers would then know that they are worth more and plus increase the cost of lessons passing this cost onto the poor Chinese student.

    b) Have a knock on effect that as a developing country a decrease in visitors to the country would then effect it in an economical sense that less money is flowing in and out of the country.

    Edit: Sorry I disagree with you, ESL teachers who want to travel to China would do so and would already be here. If you banned the non-ESL then there is a shortage of teachers . This would lead to an increase in demand of ESL teachers if the school couldn't find enough then it would have to cut classes and lose money or cut classes.

    The ESL teacher would then know that they can demand a higher wage for the same workload as a non-ESL teacher.

    Now if you wanted to recruit ESL from aboard then you would have to offer them something to make it worth while in this case it would have to be money and this would then be passed onto the students.

    A certified teacher can bring in both financial and academic values to China but it is the case only if the certified teacher wants to come and work in China.

    GuessT W

    Sorry your argument does not make sense, what do these professors teach, Japanese, German, Greek? The Chinese have long known that if something is needed then it has a price.

    As for your last part of your question, you seemed to have slipped thought the net as shown by the lack of questions or answers that are directly linked with travel in China.

  2. Why China does not follow US to

    To teach in a China school

    just speaking English does NOT do ?

    is no guarantee to make a good language teacher

    I hope your ongoing search for a competent English teacher is soon resolved...

  3. To: Hex Vision:

    <<Now if you wanted to recruit ESL from aboard then you would have to offer them something to make it worth while in this case it would have to be money and this would then be passed onto the students.>>

    It is just a language, what is the big deal ? !  The US and UK are exploiting China 's Western worshiping attitude. 60%-70% of English language are from Greek, Latin, and German language.  As a matter of fact  many Chinese ESL teachers know more English Grammar than the invited  US and UK professors who teach in China.

    <<A certified teacher can bring in both financial and academic values to China but it is the case only if the certified teacher wants to come and work in China>>

    Right on, China and the Chinese have not realized many of the Westerners (US and UK and west Europeans), just like you, are contemptuous and hateful  towards China and the Chinese.  Why should China invite any souless racist biggots and academically worthless ignorants into China ?

  4. Why?  simply put, b/c they need native English speakers, the Chinese can teach everything except the speaking part, that's where we come in

  5. Obviously, this is almost a word-for-word repost, with China replacing the US as a place target. Someone needs a competent teacher to teach him how to read.


    Correction, he also needs someone teaching him how to write a standard hope + that compound sentence.

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