
Questions about Tropical Storm Fay!!!?

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So if you have been following along, Fay has hit the keys and is making land fall in Naples as we speak. I live in Port St. Lucie, north of Palm Beach on the east coast. We're getting the Eastern bands of rain right now.

Anyway, since I can't sleep, I have some questions.

-If Fay is slowing down, will the tornado threat be greater or less?

-Is it more likely that Fay will move out to the Gulf or keep going north until it gets to the pressure system and then stall?

-The Tornado Warning ends at 4:30am in Palm Beach, but will it be likely that that warning will move on to PSL County?

-Will I be back to school by Wednesday?




  1. 1. the tornado threat will last through tomorrow were u live and should diminish in the morning hours for most of southern Florida

    2.its going to start moving north-northeast then come out as a depression then strengthen back to a storm before landfall again. Then its gonna be steered by the pressure system and start moving west

    3. it looks like it might stay inland

    4. the managements of each county will decide that tomorrow

  2. When Fay slowed down of the west coast, it would have given her a chance to build, much like Charlie in 04.  Luckily she did not reach hurricaine strength, however, there is not much difference between a cat 1 hurricaine and a tropical storm.  I north of you in Volusia County, we are going to get the brunt of it.  We are on the east side, the worst side for tonadic activity, and also the path has changed, Fay was going to exit thru Jacksonville, now it is going to exit thru Volusia county.  Lucky us.  Just like Charlie. I too am on the coast, Ocean is just a few mins away.

    Have you heard the latest scenerio, it could exit, go back in the atlantic, pick up some strengty just like Ivan in 04 and do a loop and come right back.  

    There is no rain here yet, and just a little bit of a breeze, but it is coming, can see it off to the south.

    Oh , this will last all day and into the evening hours for you, for us it is going to last until tomorrow morning.


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